Forepaw stimulation administered at 8Hz induces epileptic activity in SD rats under dexmedetomidine and buprenorphine. The data presented in this figure were obtained from the same 3 rats whose responses to forepaw stimulation with different parameters are presented in Figure 6. (A) Top: LFP responses to 8 Hz & 1 mA forepaw stimulation. Note the seizures induced by the stimulus in the first and third trials. Bottom: A magnified view of the seizure recorded in the third trial. (B) Top: LFP responses to 8 Hz & 2 mA forepaw stimulation. Note the seizures induced by the stimulus in the first, fourth, and seventh trials. Bottom: A magnified view of the seizure recorded in the fourth trial. (C) The number of seizures recorded in each of the 3 rats whose responses to forepaw stimulation are presented in Figures 6 and 7. The number of seizures is presented as a function of time after the initiation of the dexmedetomidine administration. The stimulation parameters used for each pair of consecutive blocks are presented at the upper part of the panel.