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. 2020 Oct 17;9(11):e1114. doi: 10.1002/mbo3.1114


Beta diversity based on different distance metrics

n Bray–Curtis Jaccard UF WUF
R 2 (%) p‐Value R 2 (%) p‐Value R 2 (%) p‐Value R 2 (%) p‐Value
Age Farm 1 + 2 341 12.1 1.00e−04*** 7.5 1.00e−04*** 19.1 1.00e−04*** 18.6 1.00e−04***
Farm 1 179 14.4 1.00e−04*** 9.1 1.00e−04*** 21.4 1.00e−04*** 20.6 1.00e−04***
Farm 2 162 12.8 1.00e−04*** 8.3 1.00e−04*** 20.1 1.00e−04*** 18.7 1.00e−04***
Age 21 + 28 + 35 107 2.7 1.00e−04*** 2.1 1.00e−04*** 4.5 1.00e−04*** 4.2 1.00e−04***
F1 vs F2 All ages 341 2.0 1.00e−04*** 1.5 1.00e−04*** 2.0 1.00e−04*** 1.2 0.002**
Age 0 36 24.9 1.00e−04*** 23.3 1.00e−04*** 19.6 1.00e−04*** 11.5 0.013*
Age 2 36 22.8 1.00e−04*** 14.9 1.00e−04*** 17.1 1.00e−04*** 12.3 0.002**
Age 7 36 11.1 1.00e−04*** 7.7 1.00e−04*** 18.4 1.00e−04*** 9.7 8.00e−04***
Age 14 36 6.1 3.00e−04*** 4.9 1.00e−04*** 13.6 1.00e−04*** 7.1 0.026*
Age 21 35 9.3 1.00e−04*** 7.1 1.00e−04*** 10.7 1.00e−04*** 8.6 3.00e−04***
Age 28 36 8.3 1.00e−04*** 6.3 1.00e−04*** 10.9 1.00e−04*** 10.7 1.00e−04***
Age 35 36 10.7 1.00e−04*** 7.9 1.00e−04*** 13.9 1.00e−04*** 8.4 0.003**
21 + 28 + 35 107 5.2 1.00e−04*** 3.7 1.00e−04*** 7.0 1.00e−04*** 6.2 1.00e−04***
F1; poultry house All ages 179 1.1 0.018* 1.0 0.009** 0.6 0.299 0.6 0.385
Age 21 + 28 + 35 53 5.7 1.00e−04*** 4.3 1.00e−04*** 3.9 0.006** 2.9 0.109
Age 35 18 8.8 0.048* 7.9 0.040* 6.0 0.376 4.2 0.649
F2; poultry house All ages 162 0.6 0.387 0.6 0.376 0.4 0.646 0.2 0.931
Age 21 + 28 + 35 54 2.3 0.170 2.2 0.128 2.2 0.231 1.6 0.597
Age 35 18 6.1 0.375 6.1 0.338 6.9 0.238 5.2 0.491
Sex All ages 341 0.2 0.924 0.2 0.920 0.1 0.942 0.1 0.946
Cecal foam All ages 340 1.9 1.00e−04*** 1.3 1.00e−04*** 3.8 1.00e−04*** 3.4 1.00e−04***
Age 21 + 28 + 35 107 1.8 0.0033** 1.5 0.002** 1.7 0.010* 2.2 0.009**
Cecal color All ages 340 3.7 1.00e−04*** 2.5 1.00e−04*** 5.4 1.00e−04*** 5.5 1.00e−04***
Age 21 + 28 + 35 107 4.0 1.00e−04*** 3.1 1.00e−04*** 4.8 1.00e−04*** 5.6 1.00e−04***
GS Age 21 + 28 + 35 81 4.7 0.639 4.8 0.665 5.1 0.348 5.1 0.365
CLS Age 21 + 28 + 35 81 6.2 0.060. 5.6 0.076. 7.2 0.048* 12.4 0.045*
Footpad integrity Age 21 + 28 + 35 107 1.3 0.064. 1.2 0.048* 1.5 0.015* 1.1 0.290

R = Percentage of the variation between chickens explained, p‐value = based on PERMANOVA test, GS = gut score (2), CLS = coccidiosis lesion score (18), ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05. The age of the broilers explains 18.6% of the variation between all the cecal samples, while the farm just explained 1.2% (weighted UniFrac, WUF). When we stratified the data per age, around 10% (7%–12%) of the variation was explained by farm based on weighted UniFrac. Furthermore, unweighted UniFrac distance was slightly higher than the weighted UniFrac distance between the two farms, whereas the opposite trend was observed for corresponding Jaccard and Bray–Curtis distances that are not phylogenetically weighted. Taken together, this indicated that abundant taxa are more phylogenetically related compared with the less abundant taxa between the two farms.