Fig 2.
Images acquired during the intervention in case 1. A, A 12F Flexor Shuttle Guiding Sheath (Cook) was brought to the internal jugular vein. An 8F Indigo Aspiration Catheter (Penumbra) is seen in the right transverse-sigmoid junction after thrombectomy of the right sigmoid sinus. B, Multiple control angiograms and venograms were obtained during the venous thrombectomy; it is possible to see a significant amount of thrombus partially occluding the torcula and the distal two-thirds of the right transverse sinus. Partial recanalization of the posterior third of the superior sagittal sinus is also seen. C, Venography, cranial view, anterior-posterior projection, shows complete recanalization of the torcula, and most of the posterior third of the superior sagittal sinus. D, Venography, cranial view, right anterior oblique projection reveals full recanalization of the superior sagittal sinus. A microcatheter was left in its anterior third to maintain continuous tPA infusion.