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. 2020 Nov 11;20:686. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03385-x

Table 1.

Study variables

Dependent variables
Uptake of ANC services
1 ANC in the First Trimester
2 Knowing the 7 Pregnancy Danger Signs
3 Having a birth preparedness and complication readiness plan
4 Taking 90 plus Iron-Folic acid tablets during pregnancy
5 Taking the intermittent Presumptive Treatment (IPT) of malaria
6 Having an HIV Test during ANC
Essential newborn care
1 Knowing the 6 Danger signs of the Newborn
2 Early Initiation of Breastfeeding
3 Practicing Skin to Skin
4 Use of a Clean Birthing Kit
5 Childbirth Assisted by a Skilled Birth Personnel
6 Post-natal care beyond 24 h
Male involvement in maternal and newborn care
1 Assists with home and child care
2 Allocates money to healthcare needs
3 Provides a domestic helper
4 Encourages women to seek healthcare
5 Accompanies women to healthcare
6 HIV counselling and support together
Independent variables
1 Male partner involvement in pregnancy care and immediate newborn care
2 Quality of ANC services
3 Essential newborn care

These variables are defined in the sections below