Table 1.
ID | Age (yr) | Sex | Epilepsy diagnosis | Seizure-onset zone (SEEG) | MRI | AED (mg/day) | Channels with physiological activity selected for STW analysis | No. of selected STW |
1 | 41 | F | R + L mesial temporal lobe epilepsy | R + L hippocampus + amygdala and L fusiform gyrus and heterotopia | Periventricular nodular heterotopia | CLO (25), LEV (3000) | LCa1-7; LCp3-8; LFus4-8; LHp4-8; LOF7-8; LPc7-8 | 81 |
2 | 37 | M | Bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy | L temporal neocortex + R mesial temporal | Periventricular nodular heterotopia | CBZ (1400), LEV (3000), CLO (10) | LOF5-10; RCa9-14 | 149 |
3 | 37 | M | L temporo-insular epilepsy | L temporal mesial and neocortical + posterior insula | Normal | CLO (30), CBZ (600), TOP (200) | LCi4-5; LOF4-9 | 50 |
4 | 57 | F | R insular epilepsy | R insula | Surgical bed (temporal) | LTG (200) Clo (20) | RCa6-9: RCp5-9; RIi7-9; ROF5-9 | 45 |
5 | 62 | F | Bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy | L and R hippocampus | Bilateral mesial temporal sclerosis | CBZ (800), CLO (15), LAC (400) | RA4-9; RH4-9; RHp5-9 | 43 |
6 | 41 | M | Bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy | L and R hippocampus + amygdala + parahippocampus | R mesial temporal sclerosis | CBZ (1400), CLO (10) | RCa1-9; RIa6-9 | 54 |
7 | 34 | F | L temporo-occipital epilepsy | L basal temporo-occipital cortex | Normal | CBZ (1200), CLO (20), LTG (200) | LA4-7; LCp6-15; LFus7-10; LHp1-5 | 112 |
8 | 36 | M | Bilateral neocortical temporal lobe epilepsy | L + R temporal neocortex | L hippocampus atrophy | OXC (1800), LEV (3000), LTG (400) | LFus1-4; RFus1-4 | 65 |
9 | 38 | M | L temporo-occipital epilepsy | L posterior hippocampus, lingual gyrus and cuneus | L posterior temporal atrophy and gliosis | LEV (3000), PHT (350), Clo (40) | LCp1-8; LIa4-8; LOF1-9 | 39 |
10 | 39 | M | Bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy | L + R temporal mesial and neocortical | R hippocampus atrophy | VPA (2000), Clo (30), LEV (3000) | LCa1-7; LCs1-6; RCs1-3 | 12 |
11 | 31 | F | L mesial temporal lobe epilepsy | L amygdala + hippocampus + fusiform gyrus | L hippocampus atrophy | LTG (600), CBZ (800) | LCa4-9; LCi1-6; LCp4-9; LOi1-9 | 49 |
12 | 27 | F | L occipital lobe epilepsy | L lateral temporo-occipital cortex | L lateral occipital FCD | LAM (300), CBZ (400) | LCi1-9; LH1-5; LOs4-9; LPc1-9 | 84 |
13 | 22 | M | Bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy | L and R hippocampus + amygdala | Bilateral mesial temporal sclerosis | CBZ (1000), LAM (400), LEV (2500) | LHa5-10; LHp5-12; LOF2-10 | 35 |
14 | 30 | M | L frontal lobe epilepsy | L orbitofrontal (mesial) neocortex | Possible mesial orbitofrontal FCD | LEV (1000), CLO (20) | LHa6-10; LHp6-10 | 15 |
15 | 29 | M | L mesial temporal lobe epilepsy | L hippocampus + amygdala | L left mesial temporal sclerosis + L frontal FCD | CBZ (1200), CLO (20) | LCa1-8; LFP1-10 | 6 |
16 | 27 | F | L insular lobe epilepsy | L posterior insula | Posterior Insula / Heschl's gyrus FCD + surgical bed (temporal neocortex) | CBZ (1400), LTG (100), CLO (40) | LCa1-3; LCp5-8; LM1-5; LS1-4; LSMA1-7 | 16 |
17 | 24 | M | Bilateral temporal mesial epilepsy | L and R hippocampus + amygdala | R hippocampus atrophy and L hippocampus malformation | CLO (15) | LCp5-8; LOF1-10; RCp5-9; RHp7-10; ROF1-10 | 88 |
18 | 30 | F | Bilateral temporal mesial epilepsy | L and R hippocampus + amygdala (R > L) | Normal | OXC (1800), PHE (125), CLO (20), TPM (25) | LH5-10; RCa1-6; RCm1-5; RCp1-5; RPc1-6 | 76 |
19 | 47 | M | R temporoparietal epilepsy | R posterior temporal and parietal neocortex | R postsurgical defect (anterior temporal resection) + R ischemic frontal lesion | LEV (4000), LAM (200), CLO (20), ZNZ (200) | RCm 1-3; RFus 1-4 | 51 |
20 | 61 | F | L temporomesial and basal | L amygdala, hippocampus and fusiform gyrus | Ischemic lesion next to L lateral ventricule and hippocampus atrophia | BRV (100), LAC (150), PER (8), venlafaxine 112.5 | LCa5-10; LFO1-9; LIa6-8 and 9-14; LOF9-15 | 59 |
21 | 21 | F | R mesial temporal lobe epilepsy | R hippocampus + amygdala | Normal | CLO (5), LAM (500), amitriptyline 75 | LA7-9; LFus1-9; RHp4-10; RIa1-10; RIp1-15; | 80 |
22 | 32 | M | L fronto-temporo-insular epilepsy | L insula + temporal +/− frontal | L temporal encephalomalacia | LEV (1500), LAC (200), CLO (30) | LCm1-5; LCp1-6; LPc1-4 et 8-10; LSMA1-3 | 62 |
23 | 26 | F | L mesial and basal temporal lobe epilepsy | R hippocampus + amygdala + fusiform gyrus | Normal | LAC (200), PER (8), LAC (250), LTG (275) | LCi11-14; LFus4-12; LHp4-11; LIa5-8; LIp3-8 | 51 |
24 | 25 | M | R frontal lobe epilepsy | R posterior orbitofrontal cortex and anterior insula | Normal | LAC (150), CLO (10), Citalopram 10 | LH5-10; LIa11-14; RFP1-9; LOF8-10; RCa1-7; RCg1-9; RIa8-15; ROFa5-9; RSMA1-7 | 14 |
25 | 26 | F | R parieto-occipital epilepsy | R medial parietal FCD | R posterior cingulate FCD | BRV (100), CBZ (400), LTG (150) | RA1-8; RCa 1-10; RCg 1-10; RCi 1-10; RCp 1-6; RDa 8-13; RIa 6-11; RIp1-6; RFa 1-5; RFp 5-10; RSMA 1-5 | 64 |
26 | 18 | F | R occipitotemporal epilepsy | R occipitotemporal cortex | Normal | No treatment (CBZ and PER stopped) | RFus4-9; ROa1-10; ROp1-6 | 52 |
aFor anatomic localizations, the abbreviation corresponds to the targeted deepest structures and superficial contacts are located in the lateral neocortex: A, Amygdala (superficial contacts: temporal neocortex, middle temporal gyrus); AED, antiepileptic drugs; a, anterior; BRV, Brivaracetam, CBZ, carbamazepine; Ca, anterior cingulate gyrus or medial superior frontal gyrus (superficial contacts: inferior or middle or superior frontal gyrus); Cg, cingulate gyrus (superficial contacts: middle frontal gyrus); Ci, isthmus of the cingulate gyrus or precuneus (superficial contacts: angular gyrus); CLO, clobazam; Cm, middle cingulate gyrus; Cp, posterior cingulate gyrus or superior parietal lobule or cuneus (superficial contacts: supramarginal gyrus or angular gyrus or postcentral gyrus); Cs, superior cingulate gyrus or supplementary motor cortex (superficial contacts: middle frontal gyrus); Da, anterior part of the dysplasia; F, medial frontal (superficial contacts: middle or superior frontal gyrus); Fa, anterior part of the superior or middle frontal gyrus; Fp, posterior part of the superior or middle frontal gyrus; FP, medial fronto-polar cortex (superficial contacts: superior or middle frontal gyrus); FCD, focal cortical dysplasia; FO, frontal operculum; Fus, fusiform gyrus (superficial contacts: temporal neocortex, inferior or middle temporal gyrus); H, hippocampus; Ha, anterior hippocampus (superficial contacts: temporal neocortex, inferior or middle temporal gyrus); Hp, posterior hippocampus (superficial contacts: temporal neocortex, inferior or middle or superior temporal gyrus); i, inferior: I, insula; Ia, anterior insula (superficial contacts: frontal operculum); Ii, inferior insula (superficial contacts: temporal operculum); Ip, insula posterior (superficial contacts: parietal operculum); L, left; LAC, Lacosamide; LEV, levetiracetam; LTG, lamotrigine; M, precentral gyrus; Oa, occipital anterior; Os, occipital superior (superficial contacts: superior parietal lobule or angular gyrus); OXC, oxcarbazepine; OF, orbitofrontal (deep: medial, superficial: lateral); Oi, occipital inferior, lingual gyrus (superficial contacts: middle temporal gyrus or middle occipital gyrus); Op, occipital posterior, cuneus (superior occipital gyrus), Os, occipital superior; p, posterior; P, parietal; Pc, parieto-occipital, precuneus (superficial contacts: superior parietal lobule or angular gyrus); PER, perampanel; PHE, phenytoine; PNH, periventricular nodular heterotopia; R, right; s, superior; S, postcentral gyrus; SMA, supplementary motor area (superficial contacts: superior or middle frontal gyrus); TPM, topiramate; VPA, sodium valproate; ZNS, zonisamide.