Figure 4.
StartReact. A, Mean EMG activity related to the VRT (black), VART (gray), and VSRT (red) in the biceps and triceps brachii of a control subject and a participant with SCI. Reaction time was measured as the time from cue (dashed line) to onset of the EMG burst (arrows). Reaction times in biceps brachii were similar between control and SCI participants, and reaction times in triceps brachii were prolonged in all conditions in the SCI participant compared with control. Notably, in biceps brachii, the shortening of reaction time was similar between control and SCI participants for ΔTSR but smaller in SCI participant for ΔTAR. In triceps brachii, the shortening of reaction time for ΔTSR and ΔTAR was similar between control and SCI participants. B, Box plot charts represent the group data. Abscissa indicates the groups tested (blue bars represent the control group; orange bars represent the SCI group). Ordinate indicates the reticulospinal gain. Top and bottom lines of the box indicate the 75th percentile (top quartile) and 25th percentile (bottom quartile), respectively. Line in the box indicates the 50th percentile (median). The two bars extend from the maximum and minimum value. Dot within the box indicates the arithmetical mean. ***p < 0.001.