Table 1.
Demographic characteristics of the Iowa and WU cohorts
Cohort | Iowa (n = 402) | WU (n = 101) |
Age (SD) | 58.17 (13.81) | 53.14 (11.23) |
Gender | 212 M/190F | 57 M/44F |
Education, years (SD) | 13.46 (2.72) | 13.32 (2.68) |
Handedness | 360R/15 M/26L | 92R/9L |
Lesion chronicity at scan, months (SD) | 42.17 (57.58) | 0.46 (0.16) |
Lesion chronicity at neuropsychological testing, months (SD) | 31.83 (0.25) | 0.46 (0.17) |
Lesion laterality | 175L/141R/86B | 46L/55R |
Age and lesion chronicity were calculated at date of scan; age is in years; Iowa cohort age range: 20–88; WU cohort age range: 19–83; gender: M = male, F = female; handedness: R = right handed, L = left handed, M = mixed handedness; one participant was missing data on handedness in the Iowa cohort; units of lesion chronicity are the number of months between date of lesion onset and date of MRI scan; lesion chronicity at neuropsychological testing for the Iowa cohort was determined for the administration of the WAIS tests because of variability in the exact date of testing for the numerous tests; lesion laterality: R = right sided, L = left sided lesion, B = bilateral lesion.