Fitting of the recorded dendritic and somatic voltage responses to steady-state current injections with various ion channel combinations. A, Control data. Left, Fit was performed with Lx (leak current with spatially varying reversal potential) or different combinations of Ileak (L), Kir, Km, and Ih (h). Middle, Temporal trace of data (Exp) and best fitting model (Sim). Right, Ion channel distributions for the 10 best fitting models. B, Same as A, but in the presence of the HCN channel antagonist ZD-7288. C, Average voltage error for each of the ion channel combinations (defined as the average between the resting voltage error and the final voltage errors during the current steps), for both control (blue) and ZD-7288 (orange) conditions. Averages were computed for the 10 best fitting models. Error bars are shown but are very small compared with error size. dend, Dendrite.