Table 1: Studies investigating rTMS as a therapeutic tool in ADRD.
Studies investigating TMS for treatment of ADRD using clinical or biomarker diagnostic criteria. Age is shown as Mean±SD or Mean (SEM). Several studies followed the Neuro AD protocol, targeting 6 brain regions: R prefrontal, L prefrontal, R parietal, L parietal, Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area. ADAS-Cog = Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive; BDS = Blessed Dementia Scale; MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination; CGIC = Clinical Global Impression of Change; GDS = Geriatric Depression Scale; MOCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment; AVLT = Auditory-Verbal Learning Test; FAB = Frontal Assessment Battery; DSST = Digit Symbol Substitution Test; NPI = Neuropsychiatric Inventory; IDDD = Interview for Deterioration in Daily Living Activities in Dementia; CGI = Clinical Global Impression; 3MS = Modified Mini-Mental Status Exam; AES = Apathy Evaluation Scale; TMT = Trail Making Test; EXIT-25 = Executive Interview; ADLs = Activities of Daily Living; I-ADLS = Instrumental Activities of Daily Living; ZBS = Zarit Burden Scale; ACE = Addenbrooke Cognitive Examination.
TMS Studies 2016–2018 | Criteria for AD/MCI and disease stage | No. of participants | Sham/Control | Age | Target area; localization method | Interleaved Cognitive Training | Intensity (%RMT) | TMS frequency and pattern | Stimulation duration; number of TMS trains; number of pulses/day | Length of Intervention; Number of Sessions | Cognitive Domain | Neuropsychological Tests – Primary Outcome | Neuropsychological Tests – Secondary Outcomes | Main Significant Neuropsychological Findings |
Pilot Studies and Randomized Controlled Trials | ||||||||||||||
Lee, et al., 2016 | Probable AD based on DSM-IV criteria, CDR 1–2, MMSE 18–26 (mild-moderate AD) | 26 | 2:1 Treatment:Sham | Treatment group age=71.2±7.6, Sham group age=70.3±4.8 | 6 brain regions; MRI guided | Yes | 90–110% RMT | 10 Hz rTMS; 20 trains applied with 2 seconds on, 20–40 seconds off; with interleaved cognitive task | 1 hour session/day; 3 brain regions/day; 1200 pulses/day | 6 weeks; 30 sessions | Global Cognition | ADAS-Cog | MMSE; CGIC; GDS | There was a significant improvement after the intervention in ADAS-Cog in the treatment group, but the between-group difference compared with sham was not significant. In both treatment and sham, the largest improvement was seen in mild AD compared to moderate AD. |
Zhao, et al.; 2017. | Probable AD based on DSM-IV criteria, CDR 1–2, MMSE 18–26 (mild-moderate AD) | 30 | 17:13 Treatment:Sham | Treatment group Age=69.3±5.8, Sham group Age=71.4±5.2 | Treatment areas not clearly specified, but included parietal P3/P4, posterior temporal T5/T6; 10–20 system | Yes | Not Specified | 20 Hz rTMS; 20 trains applied with 10 seconds on, 20 seconds off; with interleaved cognitive tasks | 1 hour session/day; 3 brain regions/day; 12000 pulses | 6 weeks; 30 sessions | Global Cognition & Verbal Memory | Not specified | ADAS-Cog, MMSE, MOCA, AVLT | There was a significant improvement in ADAS-Cog, MMSE, and AVLT in the treatment group, but there was no between-group difference compared with sham. Mild AD showed a larger improvement compared with moderate AD. |
Nguyen, et al.; 2017 | Probable AD by clinical diagnosis, severity ranging from MCI to moderate-to-severe AD | 10 | None | Age=70.3 (7.2) | 6 brain areas plus L DLPFC and R DLPFC; MRI guided | Yes | 100% RMT | 6 Brain Region Treatment: 10 Hz rTMS; 20 trains applied with 2 seconds on over 10 minutes; with interleaved cognitive training. DLPFC Treatment: 10 Hz rTMS; 5 trains applied with 2 seconds on over 2.5 minutes; with interleaved cognitive training. | 1 hour session/day; 4 brain regions/day; up to 1300 pulses/day | 5 weeks; 25 sessions | Global Cognition | ADAS-Cog | performance on interleaved cognitive training tasks, MMSE, Dubois score, FAB, Stroop test, locomotor score, apathy score, caregiver burden interview, dependence score | Immediately after the treatment procedure, there was improvement in the ADAS-Cog, locomotor score, apathy score, and dependence score. Six months later, ADAS-Cog scores had returned to baseline, but apathy and dependence scores showed continued improvement. |
Koch, et al.; 2018 | prodromal AD by Dubois, 2016 criteria with positive CSF biomarker | 14 | Crossover design, with participants receiving both treatment and sham stimulation | Age=70.0±5.1 | Precuneus; MRI guided, stimulation site confirmed with source localization | No | 100% RMT | 20 Hz rTMS; 40 trains applied with 2 seconds on, 28 seconds off. | 20 minutes of rTMS; 1600 pulses/day. | 2 weeks; 10 sessions | Verbal Memory, EEG, and TMS-EEG | Not specified | RAVLT, MMSE, FAB, DSST | RAVLT Delayed Recall showed a significant improvement after treatment compared with sham; other tests showed no main effect of treatment. |
Alcalá-Lozano, et al.; 2018. | diagnosis of AD by DSM-V, MMSE >= 15, GDS-Reisberg level 2–4 | 19 | 1:1 randomization into 2 active treatment groups: “simple” vs “complex” stimulation protocol | Simple Group Age=73.3±6.0; Complex Group Age=71±4.3 | Simple Protocol: singlesite DPLFC stimulation. Complex Protocol: 6 brain regions; 10–20 system | No | 100% RMT | 5 Hz rTMS; 30 trains applied with 10 seconds off, 60 seconds off. | In the Simple Protocol, single-site stimulation was applied to DLPFC daily, in the Complex Protocol, 3 brain regions were treated daily; 1500 pulses/day | 3 weeks; 15 sessions | Global Cognition | ADAS-Cog | MMSE, NPI, GDS, IDDD, CGI | Both treatment groups showed an improvement in ADAS-Cog, MMSE, IDDD, NPI immediately after treatment, which persisted one month later. There was no significant difference between the two treatment groups. |
Padala, et al.; 2018. | MCI diagnosis by Peterson’s criteria, MMSE >=23, with apathy (AES-C >=30). | 8 | Double-blind, randomized, Crossover design, with participants receiving both treatment and sham | Group 1 Age=68.0±10.0; Group 2 Age=64.0±9.0 | L DLPFC; 5.5 cm anterior to motor hotspot location | No | 120% RMT | 10 Hz rTMS; 75 trains applied with 3 seconds on, 26 seconds off. | 37.5 minutes of rTMS; 3000 pulses/day | 2 weeks; 10 sessions | Apathy | AES-C | 3MS, MMSE, TMT B, TMT A, EXIT-25, CGI, I-ADLS, ADLS, ZBS | There was a significant improvement in AES-C after the active treatment compared to the sham condition. There was also significant improvement in 3MS, MMSE, TMT A, and CGI-I in the treatment group compared with sham. |
Case Reports and Clinical Case Series | ||||||||||||||
Avirame, et al.; | moderate-severe AD by clinical diagnosis | 11 | None | Age=76±7 | Bilateral Prefrontal Cortex using deep TMS; 6 cm anterior to motor hotspot location | No | 120% RMT | 10 Hz deep TMS, 42 trains applied with 2 seconds on, 20 seconds off | 1 20-minute session/day, 2–3 times per week, with a minimum interval of 1 day between sessions | 20 sessions | Global Cognition | n/a | Mindstreams and ACE | 60% of patients improved on Mindstreams, and 77% showed improvement on the ACE compared to baseline. Treatment with deep TMS significantly improved ACE scores in a subset of the most progressed patients |
Rabey and Dobronevsky; 2016. | mild-to-moderate AD clinical diagnosis | 30 | None; Patients treated in 2 private clinics offering commercial NeuroAD treatments | not reported | 6 brain regions; MRI guided | Yes | 90–110% RMT | 3/4 Paradigms: 10 Hz rTMS; 20 trains applied with 2 seconds on over 10 minutes; with interleaved cognitive training. 1/4 Paradigm: 10 Hz rTMS; 5 trains applied with 2 seconds on over 2.5 minutes; with interleaved cognitive training. | 1 hour session/day; 3 brain regions/day; 1300 pulses/day | 6 weeks; 30 sessions | Global Cognition | n/a | ADAS-Cog and MMSE | ADAS-Cog and MMSE both improved after treatment compared to baseline scores. |