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. 2020 Oct 29;10:570340. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.570340

Table 3.

Univariate log-rank and multivariate analyses for disease-specific and metastasis-free survivals in upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma.

Parameter Category Case No. Disease-specific survival Metastasis-free survival
Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
No. of event p-value RR 95% CI p-value No. of event p-value RR 95% CI p-value
Gender Male 158 28 0.8286 32 0.7904
Female 182 33 38
Age (years) <65 138 26 0.9943 30 0.8470
≥65 202 35 40
Tumor side Right 177 34 0.7366 38 0.3074
Left 154 26 32
Bilateral 9 1 0
Tumor location Renal pelvis 141 24 0.0079* 1 0.476 31 0.0659
Ureter 150 22 0.763 0.411–1.417 25
Renal pelvis and ureter 49 15 1.675 0.462–6.067 14
Multifocality Single 273 48 0.0026* 1 0.340 52 0.0127* 1 0.001*
Multifocal 62 18 1.833 0.528–6.372 18 2.678 1.525–4.703
Primary tumor (T) Ta 89 2 <0.0001* 1 0.177 4 <0.0001* 1 0.118
T1 92 9 3.575 0.763–16.756 15 3.178 1.034–9.772
T2–T4 159 50 4.226 0.926–19.284 51 2.251 0.704–7.192
Nodal metastasis Negative (N0) 312 42 <0.0001* 1 <0.001* 55 <0.0001* 1 0.001*
Positive (N1–N2) 28 19 5.421 2.932–10.022 15 2.893 1.555–5.385
Histological grade Low grade 56 4 0.0215* 1 0.045* 3 0.0027* 1 0.158
High grade 284 57 2.765 1.021–7.488 67 1.781 0.799–3.967
Vascular invasion Absent 234 24 <0.0001* 1 0.204 26 <0.0001* 1 0.002*
Present 106 37 1.478 0.809–2.700 44 2.539 1.403–4.595
Perineural invasion Absent 321 50 <0.0001* 1 <0.001* 61 <0.0001* 1 0.027*
Present 19 11 3.970 1.907–8.265 9 2.310 1.102–4.842
Mitotic rate (per 10 high-power fields) <10 173 27 0.167 30 0.0823 -
FBLN2 expression ≥10 167 34 40
Low 170 11 <0.0001* 1 0.012* 14 <0.0001* 1 0.001*
High 170 50 2.561 1.219–4.968 56 2.837 1.504–5.349

Statistically significant.