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. 2020 Aug 4;2(2):fcaa118. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa118

Table 4.

Clusters and peaks associated with the functional communication measures

Measure Extent Location L/R Z x y z
Scenario Test 17 437 Temporal fusiform cortex ant L 5.84 −36 −8 −44
Temporal fusiform cortex pos L 5.34 −38 −34 14
Temporal fusiform cortex pos L 5.32 −44 −44 −18
Planum temporale L 5.21 −36 −30 14
Lateral occipital cortex sup L 5.18 −42 −64 28
Inferior temporal gyrus post L 5.15 −46 −32 −16
Angular gyrus L 5.07 −42 −60 20
Precuneus cortex L 4.97 −26 −58 24
Angular gyrus L 4.71 −48 −60 18
Middle temporal gyrus temocc L 4.67 −50 −58 −4
Angular gyrus L 4.63 −46 −54 26
Insular L 4.60 −34 −24 4
1807 Superior temporal gyrus ant R 4.71 60 −4 −10
Parietal operculum cortex R 4.71 62 −26 18
Angular gyrus R 4.64 56 −50 32
Angular gyrus R 4.60 56 −46 28
Supramarginal gyrus ant R 4.55 68 −22 18
Planum polare R 4.48 56 4 −6
Planum temporale R 4.46 64 −10 2
Heschls gyrus R 4.40 54 −18 8
Precentral gyrus R 4.33 60 0 14
1314 Occipital fusiform gyrus R 4.60 36 −64 −18
Brainstem 4.57 12 −42 −18
Brainstem 4.27 10 −36 −24
Lateral occipital cortex inf R 3.79 34 −88 −30
Lateral occipital cortex inf R 3.78 40 −84 −16
Fusiform cortex temocc R 3.44 46 −46 −24
Lateral occipital cortex inf R 3.40 38 −86 −26
1021 Cingulate gyrus pos R 4.44 16 −46 26
Cingulate gyrus pos R 3.88 8 −26 30
Cingulum cingulate R 3.84 12 −34 30
Lateral ventricle R 3.79 24 −42 18
Lateral ventricle R 3.77 24 −38 20
Inferior frontal occipital fas R 3.70 30 −48 16
ANELT 13 677 Inferior temporal gyrus post L 5.57 −48 −14 −24
Inferior longitudinal fas L 5.36 −34 −4 −26
Inferior temporal gyrus post L 5.18 −44 −26 −18
Temporal pole L 5.12 −38 20 −24
Temporal pole L 4.92 −46 18 −20
Inferior longitudinal fas L 4.89 −44 −30 −16
Heschls gyrus L 4.79 −34 −28 14
Temporal fusiform cortex pos L 4.79 −34 −10 −34
Planum temporale L 4.56 −38 −34 14
Temporal fusiform cortex ant L 4.56 −34 −8 −40
Pallidum L 4.55 −12 −6 −4
Inferior longitudinal fas L 4.52 −42 −2 −32
Patient COAST1–15 423 Frontal orbital cortex L 4.13 −22 34 −14
Frontal orbital cortex L 3.82 −36 32 −20
Frontal orbital cortex L 3.72 −36 28 −22
Frontal orbital cortex L 3.60 −30 24 −18
Carer COAST1–15 503 Precentral gyrus L 3.90 −32 −4 40
Superior longitudinal fas L 3.58 −50 −4 28
Precentral gyrus L 3.55 −34 4 32
Superior longitudinal fas L 3.54 −42 −8 30
Postcentral gyrus L 3.43 −34 −30 44
485 Brainstem 4.14 2 −34 −26
Brainstem 4.03 6 −32 −26
Brainstem 4.02 8 −32 −30
Brainstem 3.74 6 −46 −36
428 Inferior frontal gyrus p tri L 3.81 −38 24 16
Inferior frontal occipital fas L 3.76 −34 30 10
Middle frontal gyrus L 3.29 −32 30 26

ant: anterior; fas: fasciculus; inf: inferior; L/R: left or right side of the brain; pos: posterior; p tri: pars triangularis; temocc: temporo–occipital, coordinates in Montreal Neurological Institute space.