Binding of biotin-labeled fungal enolases to microplate-immobilized VTR, FN and HPG. Microplate wells coated with 3 pmoles of VTR, FN or HPG were filled with 50 µL of biotin-labeled fungal enolases at increasing concentrations. The amount of bound protein was determined with the SA-HRP/TMB system. The wells without human protein, which were surface-blocked with 3% bovine serum albumin (BSA), served as a control, and the values obtained for these samples were subtracted from the total binding measurements. The bars represent the mean values ± standard deviation (3 determinations). The levels of statistical significance were determined with one-way ANOVA in comparison to the signal obtained for S. cerevisiae enolase; *** p < 0.001 or **** p < 0.0001.