The median partial dependence (PD) of clearing growth rate (GRArea) on the following parameters: (a) air temperature at 850 hPa (T850), (b) air specific humidity at 950 hPa (q950), (c) sea surface temperature (SST), (d) meridional wind speed at 850 hPa (V850), (e) planetary boundary layer height (PBLH), (f) air specific humidity at 850 hPa (q950), (g) mean sea level pressure anomaly (MSLPanom), (h) zonal wind speed at 850 hPa (U850), (i) aerosol optical depth (AOD), (j) air specific humidity at 700 hPa (q700), and (k) vertical pressure velocity at 700 hPa (ω700). Grey shaded areas represent the range of variability in PD for 30 model runs. Blue lines represent the values of the (left to right) 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 95th percentiles of the input parameter. GBRT simulations were performed using clearing growth rates obtained from the analysis of first and second GOES images (09:00–12:00 PST) for all 306 clearing events examined.