Protein SSN of the 6308 GH130 sequences from the CAZy database and from gut metagenomes, with an E-value threshold of 10−70. Each of the 3637 nodes contains sequences with more than 70 % identity. Nodes are connected by an edge when the pairwise sequence identity is over 63 %. In this figure, the 694 sequences appearing in 641 singletons have been omitted. Red nodes contain biochemically characterized members, belonging to meta-nodes C1 to C6. The meta-nodes containing at least 20 sequences and with no characterized members are labelled as UC1 to UC9. (a) Nodes coloured according to the origin of the sequences: sky blue, CAZy database; pink, human gut metagenome; green, mouse gut metagenome; black, pig gut metagenome; orange, bovine rumen metagenome. (b) Nodes coloured according to the meta-node they belong to.