Quantitation of citalopram
in selected brain regions. (A) Bar chart
showing average citalopram concentrations detected in coronal brain
tissue sections (n = 3) of one dosed animal (designated
D5). Concentrations in pmol/mg (mean ± SD) in whole tissue sections,
(i) somatosensory cortex, (ii) motor
cortex, (iii) cingulate cortex, (iv) corpus callosum and external capsule, (v) anterior
commissure, (vi) caudate putamen, and (vii) lateral septal nucleus were 56.1 ± 8.3, 64.3 ± 9.3, 70.0
± 8.0, 69.8 ± 10.3, 34.2 ± 1.6, 25.3 ± 1.0, 54.2
± 8.3, and 76.2 ± 11.0, respectively. (B) Ion image of coronal
brain tissue section showing the seven brain regions of interest,
with heat map displaying citalopram distribution in ion intensities
from lowest (blue) to highest (red), normalized with respect to the
internal standard. Scale bar is 1 mm and coronal level is 0.20 mm
(distance from bregma).