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. 2020 Oct 21;166(10):894–908. doi: 10.1099/mic.0.000977

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Genetic potential of facultative methanotrophs with determined genome sequences. The presence of a gene or genes encoding a reaction or pathway is shown as black squares. Whole-genome nucleotide sequences were searched with representative protein query sequences using TBLASTN [184]. BL2, Methylocella silvestris BL2; TVC, Methylocella silvestris TVC; PC1, Methylocella tundrae PC1; PC4, Methylocella tundrae PC4; T4, Methylocella tundrae T4; H2, Methylocystis heyeri H2; S285, Methylocystis bryophila S285; SB2, Methylocystis sp. SB2; CSC1, Methylocystis hirsuta CSC1; KYG, Methylocapsa aurea KYG; R-67164, Methyloceanibacter methanicus R-67174. MmoX, soluble methane monooxygenase; PmoA, particulate methane monooxygenase; BmoX, butane monooxygenase; PrmA, propane monooxygenase; MxaF, Ca-dependent methanol dehydrogenase; XoxF, lanthanide-dependent methanol dehydrogenase; ExaF, lanthanide-dependent ethanol dehydrogenase; MauA, methylamine dehydrogenase; NMG, N-methylglutamate pathway; Serine, serine cycle; RuMP, ribulose monophosphate pathway; CBB, Calvin–Benson–Bassham pathway; ActP, acetate-specific permease; ICL, isocitrate lyase; MS, malate synthase; ECM, ethylmalonyl-CoA pathway; NarGHJI, respiratory nitrate reductase; NapAB, periplasmic nitrate reductase; NirK, copper-containing nitrite reductase; NirS, multi-haem nitrite reductase; cNorB, cytochrome c-dependent nitric oxide reductase; NosZ, nitrous oxide reductase; Nif, nitrogenase; PufLM, photosynthetic reaction centre; Hhy-5, high-affinity group 5 hydrogenase; CODH, carbon monoxide dehydrogenase.