Fig. 3.
Predicted daily levels of LCP initiators in SAH patients with poor versus good functional outcome. Predicted daily levels of ficolin-1, ficolin-2, ficolin-3, and MBL in CSF (left) and in plasma (right) in patients with a poor (blue) and good (red) functional outcome. The predicted daily levels are presented as medians in CSF and as means in plasma. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. P values shown in the bottom left of each graph are adjusted for confounders (age, sex, WFNS, and Fisher score) and multiple testing (Benjamini-Hochberg procedure) and represent the overall difference in concentration between groups (p-adj) and overall different development over time (p-adj_interaction) for each LCP initiator. Asterisks (*) indicate significant levels on specific days <0.05. Each LCP initiator graph is based on a total number of 399 CSF samples from 63 SAH patients (mean number of samples per patient, 7; range, 6–8) and 358 plasma samples from 50 SAH patients (mean number of samples per patient, 7; range, 6–8). MBL: Mannan-binding lectin, CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid, SAH = subarachnoid hemorrhage