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. 2020 Oct 29;22(10):e21159. doi: 10.2196/21159

Table 2.

Data extraction from cardiovascular disease (CVD) studies.

First author, date, reference Study design and duration; objectives Study population Intervention and comparator Outcomes Main results
Gore, 2019 [23] Non-RCTa for 12 months; effectiveness of an SMS text message intervention to reduce CVD risk Adults from the United States at high risk of CVD without preexisting coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes; intervention n=204, usual care n=408 Create action plan with community health workers and return 6-12 months after initial screening for retesting; intervention: text messages once/day on advice on healthy eating, PAb, weight loss, contacting community health worker; control: usual care Engagement, program retention, changes in risk factors (smoking, fat and fiber intake, PA, weight, BMI, BPc, low-density lipoprotein), Framingham risk score Only statistically significant decrease in fat intake (intervention −26.3% vs control −10.6%; P=.001)
Muntaner-Mas, 2017 [24] Non-RCT for 10 weeks; effectiveness of a WhatsApp-based PA intervention to reduce CVD risk factors Spanish adults aged 53-73 years without medical conditions or other physical problems requiring special medical attention and who were able to perform rigorous PA; mobile group n=7, training group n=16, control n=9 Intervention: twice/week functional fitness for training and mobile group; for training group face-to-face sessions, for mobile group training videos for download via WhatsApp, chat function plus motivational messages from study coordinator; control: no intervention BP, WCd, waist to height ratio, weight, BMI, fat mass index, fat-free mass index, heart rate after exercise, balance, handgrip strength, aerobic capacity No statistically significant differences between mobile group and control; statistically significant differences between training group and control group (systolic BP P=.038; diastolic BP P=.005; mean arterial BP P=.006; heart rate after exercise P=.002)
Rubinstein, 2016 [25] RCT for 12 months; effectiveness of preventive mobile health intervention in adults with prehypertension Adults aged 30-60 years with prehypertension from poor urban settings in Argentina, Guatemala, and Peru, free of hypertension, diabetes, and CVD; intervention n=316, usual care n=321 Intervention: monthly motivational counselling calls (healthy diet and PA) followed by weekly text messages related to behavior goals and readiness to change; control: usual care Changes in BP, weight, BMI, WC, PA, diet Mean differences, baseline-adjusted (95% CI): weight −0.66 kg (−1.24 to −0.07), BMI −0.30 kg/m2 (−0.54 to −0.06), daily intake of high-sugar and -fat servings −0.75 (−1.30 to −0.20); change in BP not significant

aRCT: randomized controlled trial.

bPA: physical activity.

cBP: blood pressure.

dWC: waist circumference.