Complementary foods should not be introduced before 4 months but should not be delayed beyond 6 months
During complementary feeding, if possible, continue breastfeeding for up to 2 years of age
Respect the adequate daily caloric intake (70–75 kcal/kg/day)
Do not introduce excessive quantities of hyper-caloric and high-protein foods, choosing instead low-energy density foods (e.g., fruits and vegetables)
Propose age-appropriated portion sizes (pay attention to the protein intake; see Table 2)
Do not introduce cow’s milk before 12 months of age
Avoid adding salt and/or sugar to the infant’s food
Avoid proposing fruit juices and sugar sweetened beverages
Promote dietary diversity to propose a range of tastes and textures
Foods should always be safe: ensure they have appropriate texture and consistency for the infant’s developmental level
Recognize infant cues, avoid feeding to comfort and reward
Try repeated exposure to foods (8–10 exposures)