Table 1.
Search strings with medical subject headings were used for PubMed, Embase, and CINAHL.
Database | Search Strings with Medical Subject Headings |
PubMed | (‘pressure ulcer’ [MeSH Terms] OR (‘pressure’ [All Fields] AND ‘ulcer’ [All Fields]) OR ‘pressure ulcer’ [All Fields] OR ‘decubitus’ [All Fields]) AND (‘adult’ [MeSH Terms] OR ‘adult’ [All Fields]) AND (‘bandages’ [MeSH Terms] OR ‘bandages’ [All Fields] OR ‘dressing’ [All Fields]) AND (‘therapy’ [Subheading] OR ‘therapy’ [All Fields] OR ‘treatment’ [All Fields] OR ‘therapeutics’ [MeSH Terms] OR ‘therapeutics’ [All Fields]). The following search terms with medical subject headings (MeSH–bold font) |
Embase | (‘decubitus’/exp OR ‘bed sore’ OR ‘bedsore’ OR ‘decubital ulcer’ OR ‘decubital ulcus’ OR ‘decubitus’ OR ‘decubitus ulcer’ OR ‘decubitus ulceration’ OR ‘decubitus ulcers’ OR ‘decubitus ulcus’ OR ‘decubus ulcer’ OR ‘pressure sore’ OR ‘pressure ulcer’ OR ‘sore, pressure’ OR ‘ulcer, pressure’ OR ‘ulcus decubitus’) AND (‘human’/exp OR ‘homo sapiens’ OR ‘human’ OR ‘human being’ OR ‘human body’ OR ‘human race’ OR ‘human subject’ OR ‘humans’ OR ‘man (homo sapiens)’) AND (‘adult’/exp OR ‘adult’ OR ‘adults’ OR ‘grown-ups’ OR ‘grownup’ OR ‘grownups’) AND (‘wound dressing’/exp OR ‘amd telfa’ OR ‘adaptic (device)’ OR ‘adaptic touch’ OR ‘algisite’ OR ‘aquacel’ OR ‘aquacel-ag’ OR ‘askina calgitrol’ OR ‘atrauman’ OR ‘autologel’ OR ‘biopatch’ OR ‘biostep’ OR ‘curasorb’ OR ‘cutilin’ OR ‘cutimed sorbact’ OR ‘drymax’ OR ‘eclypse (device)’ OR ‘excellagen’ OR ‘flivasorb’ OR ‘graftskin’ OR ‘hemcon’ OR ‘hemcon bandage pro’ OR ‘hemcon dental dressing pro’ OR ‘hemcon nasal plug’ OR ‘hemcon strip pro’ OR ‘jaloskin’ OR ‘kerramax’ OR ‘leukomed’ OR ‘leukomed sorbact’ OR ‘medihoney’ OR ‘mepitel’ OR ‘mepore’ OR ‘mesorb’ OR ‘opsite (device)’ OR ‘primatrix ag’ OR ‘primapore’ OR ‘promogran’ OR ‘quickclot acs’ OR ‘seasorb’ OR ‘silvercel’ OR ‘sorbion’ OR ‘steri-strips’ OR ‘suprathel’ OR ‘surfasoft’ OR ‘telfa’ OR ‘veloderm’ OR ‘zetuvit’ OR ‘askina sorb’ OR ‘biobrane’ OR ‘dressing, wound’ OR ‘oasis (device)’ OR ‘wound dressing’ OR ‘wound dressing agent’) AND (‘therapy’/exp OR ‘combination therapy’ OR ‘disease therapy’ OR ‘disease treatment’ OR ‘diseases treatment’ OR ‘disorder treatment’ OR ‘disorders treatment’ OR ‘efficacy, therapeutic’ OR ‘illness treatment’ OR ‘medical therapy’ OR ‘medical treatment’ OR ‘multiple therapy’ OR ‘polytherapy’ OR ‘somatotherapy’ OR ‘therapeutic action’ OR ‘therapeutic efficacy’ OR ‘therapeutic trial’ OR ‘therapeutic trials’ OR ‘therapeutics’ OR ‘therapy’ OR ‘therapy, medical’ OR ‘treatment effectiveness’ OR ‘treatment efficacy’ OR ‘treatment, medical’). The following search terms with medical subject headings (MeSH–bold font) |
CINAHL | (‘pressure ulcer’ OR ‘bedsore’ OR ‘decubitus ulcer’ OR ‘pressure sore’) AND (‘dressings’ OR ‘bandages’) AND (‘treatment’ OR ‘intervention’ OR ‘therapy’) AND (‘adults’ OR ‘adult’ OR ‘aged’ OR ‘elderly’) |