Figure 3.
Effect of different nutrient managements and weeding regimes on plant height, leaf area index (LAI) recorded at 60 DAS, crop growth rate (CGR) recorded at 60–90 DAS, and grain yield of hybrid maize. RDF: 100% recommended dose (RD) of NPK through fertilizer, RDF + VC: 25% RDN through VC, RDF + FYM: 25% RDN through FYM, RDF + BSM: 25% RDN through BSM, RDF + NC: 25% RDN through NC, Weedy check: Un-weeded control, Chemical weed management: Atrazine 1000 g/ha at 2 DAS, Integrated weed management: Atrazine 1000 g ha−1 at 2 DAS followed by mechanical weeding at 30 DAS. Effects of nutrient source in year 1 as lower case (a, b or ab), in year 2, upper case (A, B or AB), whereas effect of weed management in year 1 as italic lower case (a, b or c), in year 2 (A, B or C), italic upper case.