Figure 2.
High concentration of GL-V9 induces autophagy of A431 cells, which potentially antagonizes the effect of apoptosis induction. (A) Western blot assays were used to examine the expression of autophagy proteins p62 and LC3. (B) Immunofluorescence detection of the distribution of GFP-LC3 in A431 cells. Scale bar = 20 μm. (C) The lysosome of A431 cells was observed by LysoTracker Red. Scale bar = 25 μm. (D) A431 cells were co-treated with GL-V9 with caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK, protein level of caspase 3 and LC3 were assayed. (E) A431 cells were co-treated with GL-V9 with autophagy inhibitor 3-MA for 12 h. Then 3-MA was withdrawn and cells were further treated with GL-V9 for another 24 h. Protein level of caspase 3, p62, and LC3 were assayed.