CASC2 and miR-21 interplay in gliomas. (A) miR-21 gene expression in low (n = 41) and high (n = 42) CASC2 expression groups in all patient gliomas. (B) CASC2 gene expression in low (n = 37) and high (n = 46) miR-21 gene expression groups in all patient gliomas. (C) Expression correlation between CASC2 and miR-21 in gliomas (r = −0.42, p < 0.0001, n = 83) visualized as a scatter plot. The lines in the graphs indicate mean with the SD. Color corresponds to different glioma malignancy grade: green reflects grade II, red—grade III, black—grade IV gliomas. Triangle shape corresponds to IDH1mut glioma, circle shape—IDH1wt.