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. 2020 Nov 5;17(21):8180. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17218180

Table 3.

Multiple Linear Regression Model Predicting the DASS-21 Depression Subscale Score During the Final Period of the Lockdown.

Predictors ΔR2 Unstandardized
Coefficients (B)
S.E. t p 95% CI
Lower Bound Upper Bound
DASS-21 Depression initial 0.460 0.584 0.044 13.374 2.177 × 10−34 0.498 0.670
PID-5-BF Negative Affect 0.033 0.202 0.073 2.769 0.006 0.059 0.345
PID-5-BF Detachment 0.013 0.255 0.082 3.116 0.002 0.094 0.415
BRCS 0.007 −0.176 0.069 −2.533 0.012 −0.312 −0.039
Having a child (yes) 0.006 −0.946 0.410 −2.304 0.022 −1.752 −0.139

Note: RMSE = 3.762. ANOVA F(5,433) = 93.553, p < 0.001. BRCS = Brief Resilient Coping Scale.