Table 1.
Sample Composition | DXRD, nm | MS,** Am2/kg | MR/MS, a.u. | μ0HC, mT | Keff, ×104 J/m3 |
CoFe2O4 | 18(2) * | 69(2) | 0.42(2) | 140(4) | 14(2) |
Zn0.15Co0.85Fe2O4 | 15(2) | 71(2) | 0.35(1) | 76(3) | 12(2) |
Zn0.25Co0.75Fe2O4 | 16(2) | 74(2) | 0.34(1) | 54(2) | 9.5(4) |
Zn0.35Co0.65Fe2O4 | 14(1) | 65(2) | 0.27(1) | 37(2) | 7.5(3) |
Zn0.50Co0.50Fe2O4 | 15(2) | 52(2) | 0.22(1) | 21(1) | 3.3(1) |
Zn0.75Co0.25Fe2O4 | 15(1) | 32(1) | 0.09(1) | 5.5(2) | 0.72(4) |
ZnFe2O4 | 14(1) | 10(1) | 0.08(1) | 4.8(2) | 0.064(4) |
* In parenthesis the systematical error in the last digit is presented; ** MS values are after approximation with LAS, the error is fittings error.