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Table I.

Demographic and laboratory findings of patients for hospital survival.

Variable Survivors (n=167) Mortality (n=30) Odds Ratio [95%CI] P value
Age (Years) 65.9±14.64 68.63±16.82 1.013 [0.985–1.014] 0.361
Gender (Female) 57 (36.3%) 19 (63.3%) 3.03 [1.347–6.817] <0.001
Smoking 85 (22.3%) 6 (20%) 0.871 [0.33–2.3] 0.781
Hyperlipidemia 22 (14%) 2 (6.7%) 0.438 [0.097–1.972] 0.282
Hypertension 94 (59.9%) 16 (53.3%) 0.766 [0.349–1.679] 0.506
Diabetes Mellitus 42 (26.8%) 9 (30%) 1.173 [0.498–2.765] 0.715
Positive FH 14 (8.9%) 4 (13.3%) 1.571 [0.479–5.151] 0.456
LVEF (%) 29.97±10.95 25.19±11.04 0.958 [0.919–0.998] 0.042
FC (III, IV) 43 (27.3%) 15 (50%) 1.43 [0.751–2.723] 0.277
White Blood Cells (/μL) 8439.74±3362.9 11750±6057.52 1.001 [1.0007–1.002] <0.001
ANC (/μL) 5871.79±2990.1 9431.33±6068.21 1.001 [1.0009–1.002] <0.001
Lymphocyte (/μL) 1958.33±1099.9 1650±902.39 1 [0.999–1.0001] 0.152
Hematocrit (%) 38.87±6.07 38.51±6.07 0.99 [0.928–1.056] 0.762
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 13.39±2.26 12.77±2.85 0.899 [0.712–1.135] 0.370
PDW 13.41±2.25 14.36±2.97 1.038 [0.991–1.358] 0.065
RDW (%) 15.36±4.45 16.39±5.81 1.013 [0.966–1.114] 0.310
Platelet (*103/μL) 210±84 285±290 1.000003 [1–1.000009] 0.069
MPV 10.21±1.07 10.63±1.11 1.41 [0.971–2.049] 0.071
NLR 3.84±2.82 7.61±5.62 1.259 [1.132–1.399] <0.001
dNLR 2.64±1.79 4.98±3.57 1.435 [1.214–1.696] <0.001
MGLR 4.18±2.84 8.1±5.77 1.264 [1.135–1.406] <0.001
PLR 132.81±81.18 220.72±233.3 1.005 [1.001–1.008] 0.006
Hospitalization (Days) 5.33±4.23 3.6±2.28 0.847 [0.726–0.989] 0.035
Death Time (Days) 180±0 80.7±53.49 1.509 [0–2.851×1051] 0.993
Readmission Rate 0.11±0.368 1.07±0.254 62.44 [17.16–227.14] <0.001
Emergency Refer Rate 0.25±0.58 1.2±0.407 7.135 [3.597–14.152] <0.001

ANC, Absolute Neutrophil Count; dNLR, derived Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio; FC, Function Class; FH, Familial History; LVEF, Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction; MGLR, Monocyte/Granulocyte to Lymphocyte Ratio; MPV, Mean Platelet Volume; NLR, Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio; PDW, Platelet Distribution Width; PLR, Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio; RDW, Red Cell Distribution Width.