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Table III.

Sociodemographic variables of the study participants in relation to the presence of musculoskeletal disorder.

Sociodemographic variables Presence of MSD P value

Age (mean years) 26.8 0.239

Sex (%) 0.004**
Male 21(23.9)
Female 67(76.1)

Designation (%) 0.097
Staff 17 (19.3)
Post graduate student 45 (51.1)
Intern 26 (29.5)

Experience (mean years) 6.37 0.997

Type of dentistry (%) 0.644
Sitting 28 (31.8)
Standing 5 (5.7)
Combination 55 (62.5)

Number of patients/day 5 0.037**

No. of sick leaves (days) 1.72 0.001**

Usage of computers/laptops (%) 0.689
1 hour 17 (19.3)
2–4 hours 40 (45.5)
>4 hours 31 (35.2)

Statistically significant