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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Nov 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2020 Nov-Dec;35(6):388–400. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000628

Table 3:

Clinical Trials investigating the use of rTMS for cognitive symptoms following concussion

Publication N (Concussion+Cognitive Symptoms) Age in Years (Mean, Standard Deviation) Gender (Male/Female) Population Protocol Number of Sessions, Frequency of Sessions Blinding Cognitive Outcome Measure Reported Effects for Cognitive Outcome Measure Side-Effects/Adverse Events
Koski et al., 2015
Journal of Neurotrauma
15 M=34.3, SD=10.8 9/6 Not reported. Academic Medical Center L-DLPFC (5 cm anterior to M1 scalp targeting): 1000 pulses at 110% MT at 10 Hz, 5 second train duration, 25 second intertrain interval 20, 1 session/day Open-Label Self-report Questionnaire, standardized cognitive tasks No significant changes in self-report or task performance headache (n=3), vertigo (n=1), anxiety (n=1), increased sleep/disturbance (n=3)
Leung et al., 2018
29 (14 active, 15 sham) M=34.1 SD=7.9 23/6 Veteran L-DLPFC (structural MRI targeting): 2000 pulses at 80% MT at 10 Hz, 10 second train duration, 1 second intertrain interval 4, 1 session/day Double Blind HVLT, Connors CPT-II, Stroop Test No significant group difference in any cognitive assessments None Reported
Siddiqi et al., 2019
Journal of Neurotrauma
14 (9 active, 5 sham) M=45.5 SD=14.4 11/3 Mixed Sample (2 military) L-DLPFC (rsfMRI targeting): 4000 pulses at 120% MT at 10 Hz, 5 second train duration, 20 second intertrain interval Followed by R-DLPFC (rsfMRI targeting): 1000 pulses at 120% MT at 1 Hz 20, 1 session/day Double Blind NIH Toolbox No significant group difference in overall performance on NIH Toolbox Cognitive Battery Active: transient twitching and discomfort in the facial muscles (n=7), worsening headache (n=1), presyncopal episode (n=1)
Sham: worsening headache (n=1)
Hoy et al., 2019
Journal of Neurotrauma
12 (7 active, 5 sham) M=45.7 SD=11.4 Approx. 6/6 (subset of the overall sample) Not reported, Academic Medical Center R-DLPFC (structural MRI targeting): 900 pulses at 110% MT at 1 Hz Followed by L-DLPFC (structural MRI targeting): 1500 pulses at 110% MT at 10 Hz, 5 second train duration, 25 second intertrain interval 20, 1 session/day Double Blind Digit span forward and backward, arithmetic, Trail Making A and B, RAVLT, BVMT, Verbal Fluency, Stroop No significant group difference in any cognitive assessments Active: 72%
Sham: 30%
one or more of the following: site discomfort, mild headache, severe headache, both headache and site discomfort
Rao et al., 2019
Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences
28 (13 active, 15 sham) M=40.0
Approx. 11/17 (subset of the overall sample) Not Reported, Academic Medical Center and Department of Defense R-DLPFC (F4 scalp targeting): 1200 pulses at 110% MT at 1 Hz, 300 second train duration, 60 second intertrain interval 20, 1 session/day Double Blind MOCA, Trail Making A and B, BVMT, HVLT, WCST, Stroop Only significant group difference was for the BVMT immediate recall measure. All other cognitive assessments showed no significant group difference. Active: headache (n=Approx. 7), dizziness (n=1), blurred vision (n=1), fatigue (n=1), puffy face (n=1)
Sham: headache (n=Approx. 8)

L-DLPFC=Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex; cm=centimeters; HVLT=Hopkins Verbal Learning Test; Connors CPT-II=Connors Continuous Performance Test, Second Edition; RVALT=Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; BVMT=Brief Visuospatial Memory Test; HVLT=Hopkins Verbal Learning Test; WCST=Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; MRI=Magnetic Resonance Imaging