Table 2.
Priority Task of the Concept and Their Targets | Component Rated as Evaluable within the Framework | Methods of Evaluation and Data Sources | Task Rated as Achieved and the Main Results |
Establishing a system to monitor harmful use of alcohol | Yes | Document analysis of provisions and the regulatory base and quantitative analysis, National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. | Partly. Introduction of the CAGE Substance Abuse Screening Tool in protocols of preventive healthcare in 2013, introduction of the AUDIT since 2018, Russian validation of the AUDIT in 2019. Screening is currently part of dispanserization only. |
A relative reduction of spirits consumption with a reduction of total alcohol per capita consumption | Yes | Document analysis of provisions and the regulatory base, Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation, Federal State Statistics Service, World Health Organization. | Yes. For the period 2008–2016, total alcohol consumption decreased by 32% according to WHO. According to national data, sales of recorded alcohol declined by 34% for 2008–2018. Relative share of vodka in all sales declined from 47% to 36%. |
Promotion of a sober and healthy lifestyle | Yes | Document analysis of provisions and the regulatory base, Ministry of Health, Government of the Russian Federation, Administration of the President of Russia. | Yes. Adoption of the Priority Project “Formation of a healthy lifestyle” and the Federal Project “Formation of a system of motivating citizens to a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating and giving up bad habits” Adoption of the “Strategy for healthy lifestyle, prevention and control of non-communicable diseases for the period up to 2025”. Reinstating the all-Russian “Sobriety Day”. |
Formation of public disapproval of alcohol abuse | Yes | Analysis of sociological surveys on polls on drinking behaviors and attitudes towards alcohol, Russian Public Opinion Research Center, World Health Organization. | Yes. According to WHO, an increase in abstainer rates for the population (15+). For the period 2008–2016 from 23% to 39% (with a 10% relative increase in lifetime abstainers) in men and from 33% to 45% (with a 12% relative increase in lifetime abstainers) in women. Abstainer rates increase as per public opinion polls and national surveys. |
Programs for alcohol use disorders prevention | Partly | Document analysis of provisions and existing curricula, Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. | Partly. Published materials from narcologists exist, but not possible to evaluate the ongoing training programs. No routine training carried out for PHC health professionals at the moment. |
Public awareness on the negative consequences of alcohol abuse | Yes | Analysis of sociological surveys on polls on drinking behaviors and attitudes towards alcohol, Russian Public Opinion Research Center (WCIOM), data on drinking status from the World Health Organization. | Yes. Various awareness campaigns are carried out. Awareness on the harm of all types of alcoholic beverages is growing as documented by public opinion polls. |
Incentives for public initiatives aimed at improving public health | Yes | Document and media analysis of NGOs. | Yes The set-up program of the Presidential Grants Fund provides incentives for public initiatives aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. |
Improving narcological care for individuals with alcohol use disorders | Yes | Document analysis of existing legal documents on narcological care provisions. | Partly. Informed consent was introduced as the basis for treatment and some of the narcological monitoring requirements were amended. Materials that address drinkers at risk were developed by narcologists, but the system remains highly specialized and separated from other health settings. The proportion of individuals receiving alcohol use disorders treatment from private providers and the associated quality of treatment remains unknown. |
Promoting physical activity, tourism, and a healthy lifestyle; among children and youth | Yes | Results of the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children Study on physical activity and alcohol consumption and national data. Media and content analysis of websites if the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Sports and Tourism and the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. | Yes. Various programs launched to Involve youth into playing sports and living a healthy lifestyle, conducting activities in the field of preventing various forms of addictive behaviors. Physical activity time increased in school curricula. |
Organization of recreational and leisure activities not related to drinking | Partly | Document analysis of regulations and provisions on city structure | Partly. Various programs launched that aim at increasing physical activity in cities, such as developing a bicycle infrastructure, outdoor gyms, organizing marathons, etc. The WHO Healthy Cities Project is launched in Russia. However, activities are mainly limited to the larger cities for now. |
Increasing employment and motivation to work, providing opportunities for cultural leisure activities for rural populations | Partly | Document analysis of regulations, Federal State Statistics Service on overall employment rates. | Partly. A system of Presidential Grants created to incentivize small-scale business ideas and innovation. Special focus is put on projects from rural areas that focus on the installment of sports facilities and promote physical activity. A more detailed analysis of the according enforcement and project realization was not possible. Employment rates slightly increased during the period of interest. |
Combating illegal production and sale of alcoholic products, increasing the efficiency of alcohol market regulations | Partly | Document analysis of provisions and the regulatory base, Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation, Federal State Statistics Service, and World Health Organization. | Partly. Establishment of the EGAIS system and imposing harsher penalties for illegal production and sales as part of changes to the Administrative and Criminal Codes could reduce unrecorded alcohol consumption, but its share among total alcohol use remains stable as some gaps in the framework exist. |
Pricing and taxation measures to reduce affordability of alcoholic beverages, especially for young people | Yes | Document analysis of provisions and the regulatory base, Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation, Federal State Statistics Service, Tax Code of the Russian Federation | Yes. Affordability declined over time, although fluctuations were observed due to inconsequent increases in taxation and minimum prices. In recent years, affordability of spirits was increasing again, and tighter price regulation is needed. |
Corporate responsibility for producers of alcoholic beverages | Partly | No indicators available that could assess the improvement in effectiveness besides changes in legislation addressing unrecorded alcohol. | Partly. Criminal liability introduced for producers of illegal alcohol, especially if their products have led to serious health damage or death of a consumer. |