A: Notable inward rectification of lamprey CFTR. Representative current-voltage (IV) curves of hCFTR (left panel) and Lp-CFTR (right panel) recorded in inside-out macropatches in symmetrical chloride conditions demonstrated inward rectification of Lp-CFTR current; similar results seen in n=5 for hCFTR and n=7 for Lp-CFTR.
B: Single channel recordings exhibit reduced channel stability. (Left) Traces of Lp-CFTR and hCFTR (at VM = −100 mV, activated with 1 mM MgATP and 127.6 U/mL PKA) demonstrated significant differences in opening frequency (c=closed, f=open). (Right) Representative all points histograms over the recording periods show reduced open conductance in Lp-CFTR. Solid lines in the histograms represent fits to a Gaussian function.
C: Lamprey CFTR demonstrates altered single channel behavior. Lp-CFTR exhibit shorter open burst duration (left) and lower single channel amplitude (right) compared to hCFTR in inside-out patches. Data shown as mean±SEM. ***=p< 0.001 vs. hCFTR, n= 6 for Lp-CFTR. hCFTR data (n=10) were cited from a previous publication (Cui et al., 2014). VM = −100 mV.