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. 2020 Nov 10;6(12):e628. doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001079


Patient characteristics

No Age at Dx Sex Age at KT Primary kidney disease Previous biopsy Biopsy when diagnosed with CA-TCMR Number of HLA mismatch ABO Donor Period from KT to Dx
1 46 Male 45 Nephrosclerosis 3-mo protocolBorder line change 1-y protocol 1 Identical Living69 y oldmale 378 d
2 62 Female 61 Polycystic kidney disease 3-mo protocolNo rejection 1-y protocol 3 Incompatible Living70 y oldmale 376 d
3 56 Male 55 Chronic glomerular nephritis 3-mo protocolNo rejection 1-y protocol 2 Identical Deceased54 y oldmale 404 d

CA-TCMR, chronic-active T cell-mediated rejection; Dx, diagnosis as chronic-active T cell-mediated rejection; KT, kidney transplantation.