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. 2020 Nov 3;12(11):724–733. doi: 10.14740/jocmr4351

Table 3. Logistic Regression Analysis for a Large IAD-eGFR More Than 10% of Among Pretreatment Factors.

Baseline variable Univariate logistic regression
Multivariate logistic regression using forced inclusion model
OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P
Age (per 1.0; year) 0.977 0.933 - 1.022 0.308
Gender (male) 0.488 0.183 - 1.300 0.151
Body mass index (per 1.0) 0.994 0.887 - 1.114 0.920
Body weight (per 1.0; kg) 0.980 0.944 - 1.018 0.980
Hypertension (yes) 1.196 0.267 - 5.356 0.815
Dyslipidemia (yes) 1.848 0.338 - 10.102 0.479
Current smoker (yes) 1.297 0.424 - 3.970 0.648
CVD history (yes) 0.909 0.380 - 2.174 0.830
DM retinopathy (yes) 1.237 0.514 - 2.984 0.634
HbA1c (per 1.0; %) 1.001 0.967 - 1.037 0.945
Duration of DM (per 1.0; years) 1.029 0.984 - 1.078 0.229
Insulin therapy (yes) 1.867 0.760 - 4.584 0.173
eGFR (per 1.0; mL/min/1.73 m2) 0.953 0.867 - 1.048 0.320
Presence of proteinuria (yes) 2.567 1.068 - 6.168 0.035 1.789 0.539 - 5.945 0.342
Presence of hematuria (yes) 1.682 0.677 - 4.176 0.263
Annual eGFR decline (per 1.0; %) 0.920 0.844 - 1.002 0.054
ACEi or ARB treatment (yes) 1.500 0.578 - 3.890 0.404
Diuretics treatment (yes) 1.837 0.719 - 4.696 0.204
Systolic BP (per 1.0; mmHg) 0.994 0.964 - 1.025 0.699
Estimated daily salt intake (per 1.0; g/day) 1.324 1.062 - 1.649 0.013 1.334 1.023 - 1.738 0.033
Body-fat percentage (per 1.0; %) 0.982 0.926 - 1.040 0.530
Percent of ToBW to weight (per 1.0; %) 1.023 0.948 - 1.105 0.554
Percent of ECW to ToBW (per 1.0; %) 1.879 1.059 - 3.333 0.031 1.152 0.587 - 2.262 0.680
Serum albumin (per 0.1; mg/dL) 0.878 0.775 - 0.995 0.042 0.874 0.724 - 1.056 0.162
Hb (per 1.0; g/dL) 0.655 0.469 - 0.916 0.013 0.656 0.409 - 1.050 0.079
Urinary specific gravity (per 0.001) 0.948 0.888 - 1.012 0.108

OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; CVD: cerebro-cardio vascular disease; DM: diabetes mellitus; Hb: hemoglobin; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate; ACEi, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB: angiotensin-II receptor blocker; BP: blood pressure; ToBW: total body water; ECW: extracellular water; Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed P = 0.87 in multivariate analysis.