a, Distribution of Tacr1+
neurons in the spinal cord dorsal horn. IIo, outer lamina II; IIid, inner dorsal
lamina II; LSN, lateral spinal nucleus. b, Distribution of
GFP-expressing Gpr83+ neurons in the spinal cord
dorsal horn (left). A subset of SPB neurons labeled with CTB555 injected into
the PBNL are GFP-positive (right). Arrow heads, double-positive
neurons. c-d, Axonal projections of
Tacr1+ or Gpr83+
spinal PNs. PVT, paraventricular nucleus; CM, central medial nucleus; MD,
mediodorsal nucleus; PO, posterior complex; VPM, ventral posteromedial nucleus;
MG(d)(v)(m), medial geniculate complex (dorsal)(ventral)(medial); SPFp,
parvocellular subparafascicular nucleus; SCP, superior cerebellar peduncle.
e, Quantification of the average fluorescence intensity of
tdTomato-expressing Tacr1+ and
Gpr83+ spinal PN axons in the major brain
targets. n = 3 mice. Error bars, s.e.m. f, Schematic of virus
injections for retrograde labeling of Tacr1+ spinal
PNs. g, Distribution of tdTomato-expressing
Tacr1+ spinal PNs and GFP-expressing
Gpr83+ neurons in the spinal cord dorsal horn.
Arrowheads, double-positive neurons. h, Quantification of
co-expression of tdTomato and GFP. n = number of mice (indicated in the bar