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. 2020 Nov 13;4:97. doi: 10.1186/s41687-020-00263-0

Table 1.

Methods used to investigate psychometric and other properties of the MP and UF-DBD

Statistical analysis PRO scores Time points Reference measures Population Interpretation
Item performance/variability – extent to which potential available response option for each item is selected by patients
 Descriptive statistics

• MP

• UF-DBD item levela

• Monthly and bleeding episode sum scores



NA All patients, by study

• Distributional properties

• Floor and ceiling effects

Reliability/Test-retest reliability – ability to give reproducible, consistent scores over a short time period in stable patients

 1. Descriptive statistics,

Wilcox signed rank test

 2. Intraclass correlation coefficient

• MP


• Monthly and bleeding episode sum scores


• T2, EOT

• AHb


Stable patients by study:

 • AH method: MP and UF-DBD in ASTEROID 1c

 • PGI-S scores: UF-DBD and MP in ASTEROID 1 and 2


 • ICC ≥0.50: moderate


 • ICC < 0.40: poor

 • 0.40 to 0.59: moderate

 • 0.60 to 0.74: good

 • 0.75+: excellent

Construct validity – extent to which a scale measures the intended construct
Known-groups validity – ability of measure to discriminate between patient groups differing in levels of condition severity

  1. Jonckheere-Terpstra test

  2. Kruskal-Wallis test

• MP


• Monthly and bleeding episode sum scores



• AHb


All patients, by studyc Significance of ordered difference between known groups
Convergent and divergent validity – extent of association between a measure and other measures or variables based on an expected relationship

  1. Spearman rank correlation

  2. Scatterplots

• MP


• Monthly and bleeding episode sum scores



• pooled RND and EOT

• MP


• UF-DSD v3

• UF-IS v3


• SF-36 v2®

All patients, by study

Strength of correlations

 • 0.10 to 0.29: weak

 • 0.30 to 0.49: moderate

 • 0.50 to 1.0: strong

Criterion validity – extent of relation between PRO instrument scores and a known gold standard measure of the same concept

 1. Spearman rank correlation

 2. Scatterplots

• MP


• Monthly and bleeding episode sum scores



• AHb All patients with AH measurements

Strength of correlations

 • 0.10 to 0.29: weak

 • 0.30 to 0.49: moderate

 • 0.50 to 1.0: strong

Responsiveness – ability to detect change when a change in the measured concept has occurred

 1. Spearman rank correlation, Scatterplots

 2. Kruskal-Wallis test, Jonckheere-Terpstra test

• MP


• Monthly and bleeding episode sum scores



Correlation analysis

 • MP


 • UF-DSD v3d

 • UF-IS v3d

 • UFS-QoLd

 • AHb

 • PGI-S

Definition of change

 • AHb

 • PGI-S

All patients, by studyc

Strength of correlations

 • 0.10 to 0.29: weak

 • 0.30 to 0.49: moderate

 • 0.50 to 1.0: strong

Significant or significant ordered difference across the groups

Missing data
 Descriptive statistics; frequencies and percentages of missing data (daily scores over time)

• MP




AH ASTEROID 1, patients with AH measurements: all patients except for Japanese centerse and only US patients
Comparability of methods (AH, MP, UF-DBD)

 1. Cross-tabulation of benchmark scores (HMB eligibility, responder status and amenorrhea, calculation of sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV)

 2. Kaplan–Meier curves; descriptive statistics, histograms of difference

• MP




AH ASTEROID 1, patients with AH measurements

AH Alkaline hematin method, EOT End of treatment, ICC Intraclass correlation coefficient, MP (MP SAP-cv3) Menstrual pictogram superabsorbent polymer-containing version 3, NA Not applicable/available, NPV Negative predictive value, PPV Positive predictive value, PGI-S Patient Global Impression of Severity, PRO Patient-reported outcomes, RND Randomization, SF-36 v2® Short-Form 36 Health Survey Version 2, SCR Screening, T Treatment, UF-DBD Uterine Fibroid Daily Bleeding Diary, UF-DSD v3b Uterine Fibroid Daily Symptom Diary version 3, UF-IS v3 Uterine Fibroid Impact Scale version 3, UFS-QoL Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Quality of Life Questionnaire

aMonthly sum scores were based on the 28 days prior to and including the visit date; bleeding episode sum scores were collected on or closest to the visit date within 27 days prior

bASTEROID 1 only

cFor analyses including the AH method, only data from patients with AH measurements in ASTEROID 1 were used

dUse of total instrument scores only

eAH measurements were not performed in patients from Japanese centers; therefore, these patients were excluded from analysis