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. 2020 Sep 14;140(6):811–830. doi: 10.1007/s00401-020-02198-8

Table 2.

Staining summary per plaque-type

Staining The coarse-grained plaque The cotton wool plaque The classic cored plaque
Aβ (aa 8-17; 6F/3D) graphic file with name 401_2020_2198_Figa_HTML.gif graphic file with name 401_2020_2198_Figb_HTML.gif graphic file with name 401_2020_2198_Figc_HTML.gif
H&E Tissue distortion Circumscript defined patches Visible core
Congo red ++; fibrillar amyloid throughout the plaque −; not fibrillar ++; fibrillar amyloid condensed into a core

++; neuropil threads

+−; dystrophic neurites

++; neuropil threads +−; dystrophic neurites
APP +; dystrophic neurites +− +; dystrophic neurites
ApoE ++; throughout the plaque ++; throughout the plaque ++; in the core; +−; in the corona
PrPC +; throughout the plaque +; throughout the plaque ++; in the core; +−; in the corona
40 ++; throughout the plaque as fibrillary or tubular structures, 61% as shell surrounding the lesser Aβ42 ++; homogenous throughout the plaque ++; in the core; +−; in the corona
40 +−; in the plaque center, sometimes co-localizing with Aβ40 +; outer ring ++; in both the core and the corona
N3pE ++ ++ ++
pSer8Aβ ++ ++; intense stained plaque with diffuse halo ++
C4b ++; throughout the plaque +; outer ring +; in the core; +−; in the corona
CD68 ++; within Aβ-devoid pores +−; occasionally 1 cell body within the plaque +; in-between the core and the corona
MHC-II ++; within Aβ-devoid pores +−; occasionally 1 cell body within the plaque +; in-between the core and the corona
GFAP +; cell bodies are often found within the plaque +; disrupted processes mostly staining the outer plaque edges +
Norrin ++; fibril-like throughout the plaque ++; homogenous throughout the plaque
Laminin +; small punctate dots throughout the plaque +; small punctate dots throughout the plaque +; small punctate dots surrounding the core
Collagen IV +−; small punctate dots surrounding the core

(Immuno)histochemical staining summary per plaque-type is given and indicated as follows: −, no staining; +−, some positive staining; +, positive staining; ++, prominent positive staining. Supplementary Material 1, Table S1, Online Resource, for antibody and staining details