Fig. 2.
Connectivity patterns across groups. a The covariance maps across bvAD patients per network in red and the overlap with standard network templates by Shirer et al. [29] in yellow on the left. On the right, the goodness-of-fit score per network per patient group is depicted, showing the mean T-score of the covariance map within the network template − the mean T-score of the covariance map outside the network template. Covariance maps were obtained at puncorrected < .001, without using an extent threshold, and corrected for age and sex. b Differences in connectivity between the seed region of the default mode network (posterior cingulate cortex, top left) and the seed region of the salience network (frontoinsula, bottom left) with the rest of the brain between patient groups. Results were obtained both at puncorrected < .001 and puncorrected < .05, without using an extent threshold, and corrected for age and sex. On the right, the relationships between the SUVR in the seed region and the residualized SUVR (corrected for age and sex) in the most significant cluster resulting from the patients vs patients connectivity contrasts. pDMN posterior default mode network, aDMN anterior default mode network, SAL salience network, ECN executive control network