Fig. 1.
Clinical history of the patient and a heat map of unsupervised hierarchical clustering based on all 1173 proteins identified. A Clinical appearance, treatment history and localization of three metachronous liver metastases from a single CRC patient. In total, the patient developed three metachronous liver metastases, which were treated 9, 21 and 31 months after presentation. The patient died in 2014 due to pulmonary embolism. B Pearson correlation-based, unsupervised hierarchical clustering based on all 1173 proteins identified in the three metastases and the healthy liver samples adjacent to the first metastasis, each with three technical replicates. Average linkage was used as distance metric. Protein abundances were transformed to common logarithm (log10) and the median values normalized across the columns. Mean value normalization was performed across rows for better visualization. Grey cells indicate that a protein could not be identified in the respective sample. M1, metastasis 1; M2, metastasis 2; M3, metastasis 3; L, healthy liver tissue