Percentage of emails that receive a response from the healthcare team, stratified by email subject and response type. Patient‐initiated emails were categorized as follows: “Non‐Urgent Medical Question,” “Patient Medication” (renewal request or question), “Appointment” (schedule, question or cancel), “Test Results,” and “Other.” The subject “Other” included undefined subjects (e.g., “visit follow‐up question”). In total, 72,003 patient‐initiated emails were initiated by the 6446 patients during the survival period (from 2 months to 24 months after the start of chemotherapy). Patient emails that were a reply to an email sent from the healthcare team were not considered, as they were not patient‐initiated. Positive responses to patient‐initiated emails by the healthcare team include the following: a direct reply email from medical staff, appointment scheduling, drug prescription or refill, or phone call from the department who received the email. Healthcare team responses were included if they occurred within 5 days after receiving the patient email