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. 2020 Sep 24;9(22):8468–8479. doi: 10.1002/cam4.3470


Baseline characteristics of 157 patients in the bendamustine and rituximab (BR) cohort

Variable (n. of patients) N. of patients (%)
age ≤ 65/>65 years (n = 157) 30 (19.1)/127 (80.9)
median age (range) (n = 157) 72.5 (39‐89)
stage a early/intermediate‐advanced (n = 129) 53 (41.1)/76 (58.9)
gender male/female (n = 157) 95 (60.5)/62 (39.5)
ECOG PS 0/1/ ≥2 (n = 154) 68 (43.3)/70 (44.6)/ 16 (10.2)
N. of comorbidities 0‐1/≥ 2 (n = 156) 48 (30.8)/108 (69.2)
Median Cr Cl ml/min (range) (n = 157) 59.8 (22.0−137.0)
beta 2 microglobulin ≥ 3.5/<3.5 mg/L (n = 113) 94 (83.2)/19 (16.8)
IGHV Mutated/Unmutated (n = 89) 44 (49.4)/45 (50.6)
17p‐ and/or TP53 mutated yes/no (n = 131) 23 (17.6)/108 (82.4)
FISH abns 13q‐/+12/11q‐/17p‐/normal (n = 111) 34 (30.6)/24 (21.6)/10 (9.0)/7 (6.3)/36 (32.4)

Legend: ECOG PS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status; Cr Cl, Creatinine clearance.


Early: Binet A.