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. 2020 Oct;10(5):1561–1579. doi: 10.21037/cdt-20-400

Table 3. Models of combined volume and pressure overload.

Method Strengths Limitations Mouse Rat Rabbit Dog Sheep Pig
Volume load + pulmonary hypertension
   MCT + shunt Vascular remodeling comparable to human PAH Rapid RV decompensation (137-143)
Time dependent progression of severe RV failure Possible direct effects of MCT on the RV
   Chronic arterial-venous shunting Physiology highly similar to PAH in adult ASD patients Mild pulmonary hypertension (144) (145)
>6 months to develop pressure load
Shunt induced after birth
   Fetal aorto-pulmonal shunt Mimics pathophysiology of congenital shunts Technically challenging surgical model (146-151)
Only mild PAH and RV dysfunction
Volume load + pulmonary artery banding
   Shunt + pulmonary artery banding Precise volume and afterload increase Need for open chest (152)
Stable afterload, Adjustable Only one study (in dogs)
Wide range of RV strain
   Pulmonary regurgitation + pulmonary artery banding Physiology similar to patients with tetralogy of Fallot Difficult (74)
Need for open chest
Only one study (in pigs)

An overview of models of Models of combined volume and pressure overload stratified to method of combined load increase and animal species. PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; MCT, monocrotaline.