Relative fitness of P. berghei K13 mutants in presence or absence of AS or CQ. Growth competition assays with K13 mutant lines that constitutively express mCherry compared to the wild-type G159WT line that constitutively expresses GFP in the presence or absence of drug pressure. The G159WT line was mixed with a given mutant line at a 1:1 ratio in three groups of mice on day 0. The first group was left untreated, the second group received a dose of AS at 50 mg/kg starting from 3 h after i.p. injection for three consecutive doses, while the third group consisting of the 1804 WT, G1980V2721F, and K13 mutant G2025R551T lines received CQ at 15 mg/kg at similar dosing times as AS. Percentages of mCherry- or GFP-positive parasites were determined by flow cytometry as described in Materials and Methods. (A) Percentage population changes as measured by flow cytometry of the G1957F458I, G1979Y505H, G1989M488I, and G2025R551T mutant lines relative to that of the G159WT wild-type line. (B) Proportion representation of the G159WT line in mixtures with G1957F458I, G1979Y505H, G1989M488I, and G2025R551T lines on the days of recrudescence upon treatment with AS or CQ as indicated.