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. 2020 Oct 1;54(3):144–155.

Table 6.

Primary outcomes of retained studies for ventilator-associated pneumonia (7 studies)


(CHX, Povidone Iodine, Toothbrushing)

Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX)

Outcome 1

No relationship

Outcome 2

Possible relationship (mixed results)

Outcome 3

Positive relationship

Klompas et al.19

No reductions in VAP with CHX


Villar et al.25

No overall reductions in VAP with CHX at 0.12%

Labeau et al.20

Subgroup analysis favoured only the 2% CHX application; results for cardio surgery patients were stronger


For 0.12% CHX, risk reduction was not significant

Villar et al.25

Only at 2% or administered 4x daily


Hua et al.17

CHX gel or mouthrinse as part of OHC reduced risk of VAP by 18%


Shi et al.24

Moderate evidence that CHX mouthrinse or gel as part of OHC reduced risk of VAP by 40%


Li et al.21

Overall oral care including CHX reduced risk of VAP but half the study group comprised cardiosurgical patients who do not qualify for VAP diagnosis, which may have influenced the results.

Povidone iodine

Outcome 1

No relationship

Outcome 2

Possible relationship (mixed results)

Outcome 3

Positive relationship

Labeau et al.20

Effects not significant


Li et al.21

Effects not significant

Shi et al.24

Weak evidence that Povidone Iodine is better than saline


Hua et al.17

Very weak evidence that Povidone Iodine is better than saline


Outcome 1

No relationship

Outcome 2

Possible relationship (mixed results)

Outcome 3

Positive relationship

Hua et al.17

No effect of either manual or power

toothbrushing on reductions in VAP


Shi et al. 24

No effect of either manual or power toothbrushing

on reductions in VAP


Gu et al.16

Did not significantly reduce incidence of VAP,

mortality or length of ICU stay or days on ventilator