Extended Data Fig. 6. FMRpolyG expression in human cells and control human neurons.
A) Immunocytochemistry against FMRpolyG on Control ((CGG)23), FXTAS ((CGG)100–117), and FXS ((CGG)931–940, fully methylated) patient derived lymphoblasts. B) Rater-blinded quantification of FMRpolyG staining expressed as a ratio to pre-immune serum at the same concentration (μg/mL) on the same cells. Values are expressed relative to the FXS line, which does not express the FMR1 transcript (Control n=50, FXTAS n=133, FXS n=102; p=0.0000000000005). C) Immunocytochemistry to FMRpolyG (red) in mature control human neurons (TUJ1-positive (green)) treated with +1RAN ASO-1 or Control ASO treatment. D) Quantification of FMRpolyG signal with +1RAN ASO-1 (n=90) or Control ASO (n=69) treatment, where “n” is the mean CTCF signal from 5 neurons (p=0.0485). Panel B: Kruskal Wallis test with post-hoc two sided Mann Whitney U tests. Panel D: Two sided unpaired Student t-test. *p<0.05, ****p<0.0001. Box extends to 25th/75th percentiles with a line at mean and whiskers indicate 95% CI. Marked dots are only shown for values outside the 95% CI.