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. 2020 Nov 13;99(46):e23249. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000023249

Table 1.

Comparative analysis of Parkinson disease subjects receiving intrajejunal therapy and oral therapy group.

Intrajejunal therapy (n = 24) Oral therapy (n = 37) P value
Age (years), mean (SD) 70.12 (7.66) 70.59 (9.11) .835
Gender (female), n (%) 11 (45.83) 8 (21.62) .046
Place of residence (rural), n (%) 3 (12.5) 2 (5.41) .373
Duration of PD (years), median (IQR) 15 (13.75–20.25) 9 (6–13) <.001
Duration from initiation of therapy (years), median (IQR) 5 (3.75–7) 4 (3–6) .461
Hoehn şi Yahr stages la baseline
 3 2 (9.09) 29 (78.38) <.001
 4 20 (90.91) 8 (21.62)
UPDRS II at baseline, median (IQR) 37 (33–39) 17 (13–24) < .001
UPDRS II at 1 year, median (IQR) 27 (21–31.5) 24 (19–31) .27
UDPRS II Diference at 1 year -baseline, median (IQR) 10 (6–12.5) -7 (-8–-5) <.001
UPDRS III at baseline, median (IQR) 41.5 (38–45) 24 (18–27) <.001
UPDRS III at 1 year, median (IQR) 30 (28.5–35.5) 30 (26–34) .307
UDPRS III Diference at 1 year-baseline, median (IQR) 11 (8.5–13) −7 (−10–5) <.001
Dyskinesia at baseline, n (%) 17 (70.83) 5 (13.51) <.001
Dyskinesia at 1 year, n (%) 8 (33.33) 6 (16.22) .12
Dyskinesia evolution in 1 year, n (%)
 dissapearing: 10 (41.67) 0 (0) <.001
 absent: 6 (25) 31 (83.78)
 persistent: 7 (29.17) 5 (13.51)
 newly occured: 1 (4.17) 1 (2.7)
Dyskinesia evolution at 12 months (improvement vs. same or worsening), n (%) 10 (41.67) 0 (0) <.001
Wearing off/On-Off at baseline, n (%) 24 (100) 10 (27.03) <.001
Wearing off/On-Off at 1 year, n (%) 17 (70.83) 14 (37.84) .012
Wearing off/On-Off evolution in 1 year, n (%)
 dissapearing: 7 (29.17) 1 (2.7) <.001
 absent: 0 (0) 22 (59.46)
 persistent: 17 (70.83) 9 (24.32)
 newly occured: 0 (0) 5 (13.51)
Wearing off/On-Off evolution at 12 months (improvement vs. same or worsening), n (%) 7 (29.17) 1 (2.7) .005
Deep brain stimulation, n (%) 1 (4.17) 0 (0) .393
Decease, n (%) 6 (25) 3 (8.11) .136
Mixed anxiety–depressive disorder, n (%) 13 (54.17) 8 (21.62) .009
Mild cognitive impairment, n (%) 10 (41.67) 14 (37.84) .765
Parkinson Dementia, n (%) 4 (16.67) 4 (10.81) .7
Drug-induced psychosis, n (%) 5 (20.83) 0 (0) .007
Hypertension, n (%) 6 (25) 21 (56.76) .015
Permanent atrial fibrilation, n (%) 1 (4.17) 4 (10.81) .64
Ischaemic Stroke / cerebral lacunarism, n (%) 5 (20.83) 16 (44.44) .06
Diabetes type II, n (%) 1 (4.17) 8 (21.62) .076
Polyneuropathy, n (%) 16 (66.67) 22 (61.11) .662
Dyslipidemia, n (%) 3 (12.5) 7 (18.92) .726
Iron deficiency anemia, n (%) 5 (20.83) 1 (2.78) .033
Folate-deficiency anemia, n (%) 5 (20.83) 6 (16.67) .741
Vitamin B12 deficiency, n (%) 2 (8.33) 4 (11.11) 1