A) Expression of Mki67 projected in UMAP space at each time point (left). The dotted line outlines the progenitor populations LaTP, LaTP2, SynTI Precursor, SynTII Precursor, and JZP 1/2. Quantification, shown as a dot blot representing percent cells expressing (increasing with dot size) and average expression (increasing with red color) of
Mki67 in each cell population combined across all timepoints (right). (
B) Scatter plot of differential expression (log2 fold change) in S-TGC nuclei comparing expression at E9.5 on the x-axis with E10.5 (left), E12.5 (middle), and E14.5 (right). Each dot represents a gene and significantly differentially expressed genes are colored blue (adj. p-value<0.05, 100 permutations). The top 10 differentially expressed genes by log2FC in either direction are labeled. (
C) Gene Ontology (Biological Process) of genes upregulated at E14.5 vs E9.5 (left) and genes upregulated at E9.5 vs E14.5 (right) (adj. p-value<0.05, logFC >0.5). GeneRatio is the of the number of genes in the given ontology divided by the number of genes found in any ontology (
Yu, 2018) . (
D–F) Expression of
Ctsq (
Lepr (
Podxl (
F) across trophoblast cells represented on UMAP plot at each developmental time point. The S-TGC population is circled by a solid line. (
G) The number of differentially expressed genes (y-axis) between each timepoint for each cluster (with greater than 50 nuclei captured at each timepoint).