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. 2020 Nov 2;22(11):e18309. doi: 10.2196/18309

Table 1.

Sociodemographic and HIV-related health care measures entered into lasso models as internet health-seeking predictors.

Characteristic Values
Site, n (%)

Chicago 84 (11.7)

Cleveland 82 (11.5)

Corpus Christi 86 (12.0)

Hershey 36 (5.0)

Los Angeles 110 (15.4)

New York 30 (4.2)

Philadelphia 28 (3.9)

St Louis 84 (11.7)

San Francisco 88 (12.3)

Winston-Salem 88 (12.3)
Age group (years), n (%)

18-24 233 (32.5)

25-34 483 (67.5)
Race/ethnicity, n (%)

Latinx 200 (27.9)

Non-Latinx African American 362 (50.6)

Non-Latinx White 121 (16.9)

Other racial/ethnic identity 33 (4.6)
Gender identity, n (%)

Male (ie, cisgender man) 506 (70.7)

Female (ie, cisgender woman) 57 (8.0)

Transgender-identified 135 (18.9)

Other gender identity 18 (2.5)
Sexual orientation, n (%)

Straight 168 (23.5)

Gay or lesbian 393 (54.9)

Bisexual 99 (13.8)

Other sexual orientation 56 (7.8)
Education, n (%)

High school/GEDa or less 368 (51.4)

Some college education 220 (30.7)

College degree or trade certification 128 (17.9)
Current residence, n (%)

Stable housing 363 (50.7)

Unstable housingb 353 (49.3)
Monthly income, median (IQR)c 800 (200-1500)
Health insurance status, n (%)

Insured 489 (68.3)

Not insured or don’t know 227 (31.7)
HIV diagnosis, n (%)

Within past 12 months 229 (32.0)

>12 months 483 (67.5)

Don’t know 4 (0.6)
ARTd adherence, n (%)

High 362 (50.6)

Neutral 67 (9.4)

Low 57 (40.1)

Not on ART 230 (32.1)
Viral suppressione, n (%) 270 (42.3)
Recent doctor’s office visitf, n (%) 557 (86.9)
Youth health engagement, mean (SD)

Health access literacy (1-16g) 12.0 (3.5)

Health self-efficacy (2-20g) 16.8 (4.0)
Provider empathy (10-50g), mean (SD) 42.6 (9.8)

aGED: general education development.

bUnstably housed group includes 6 participants who reported being hospitalized or in prison.

cN=655 due to “don’t know/not sure” responses.

dART: antiretroviral therapy.

eViral suppression information obtained from medical chart data (N=638).

fHIV doctor’s visit information obtained from medical chart data (N=641).

gMinimum and maximum values for scales are shown in parentheses.