Table 1.
Characteristic | Values | |
Site, n (%) |
Chicago | 84 (11.7) |
Cleveland | 82 (11.5) |
Corpus Christi | 86 (12.0) |
Hershey | 36 (5.0) |
Los Angeles | 110 (15.4) |
New York | 30 (4.2) |
Philadelphia | 28 (3.9) |
St Louis | 84 (11.7) |
San Francisco | 88 (12.3) |
Winston-Salem | 88 (12.3) |
Age group (years), n (%) |
18-24 | 233 (32.5) |
25-34 | 483 (67.5) |
Race/ethnicity, n (%) |
Latinx | 200 (27.9) |
Non-Latinx African American | 362 (50.6) |
Non-Latinx White | 121 (16.9) |
Other racial/ethnic identity | 33 (4.6) |
Gender identity, n (%) |
Male (ie, cisgender man) | 506 (70.7) |
Female (ie, cisgender woman) | 57 (8.0) |
Transgender-identified | 135 (18.9) |
Other gender identity | 18 (2.5) |
Sexual orientation, n (%) |
Straight | 168 (23.5) |
Gay or lesbian | 393 (54.9) |
Bisexual | 99 (13.8) |
Other sexual orientation | 56 (7.8) |
Education, n (%) |
High school/GEDa or less | 368 (51.4) |
Some college education | 220 (30.7) |
College degree or trade certification | 128 (17.9) |
Current residence, n (%) |
Stable housing | 363 (50.7) |
Unstable housingb | 353 (49.3) |
Monthly income, median (IQR)c | 800 (200-1500) | |
Health insurance status, n (%) |
Insured | 489 (68.3) |
Not insured or don’t know | 227 (31.7) |
HIV diagnosis, n (%) |
Within past 12 months | 229 (32.0) |
>12 months | 483 (67.5) |
Don’t know | 4 (0.6) |
ARTd adherence, n (%) |
High | 362 (50.6) |
Neutral | 67 (9.4) |
Low | 57 (40.1) |
Not on ART | 230 (32.1) |
Viral suppressione, n (%) | 270 (42.3) | |
Recent doctor’s office visitf, n (%) | 557 (86.9) | |
Youth health engagement, mean (SD) |
Health access literacy (1-16g) | 12.0 (3.5) |
Health self-efficacy (2-20g) | 16.8 (4.0) |
Provider empathy (10-50g), mean (SD) | 42.6 (9.8) |
aGED: general education development.
bUnstably housed group includes 6 participants who reported being hospitalized or in prison.
cN=655 due to “don’t know/not sure” responses.
dART: antiretroviral therapy.
eViral suppression information obtained from medical chart data (N=638).
fHIV doctor’s visit information obtained from medical chart data (N=641).
gMinimum and maximum values for scales are shown in parentheses.