Fig. 1.
Technical validation of the datasets. (a–c) Comparison of estimated ICU bed occupancy (n = 2,321) (a), daily cases (n = 2,348) (b), and daily deaths (n = 2,348) (c) reported by CovidCounties against corresponding data reported by the California Department of Public Health. Each point corresponds to a measurement from a given California county on a particular date where both datasets report counts. Data is from 6/28/2020 - 8/8/2020. (d–f) Comparison of the estimated hospital bed occupancy (n = 248) (d), daily cases (n = 240) (e), and daily deaths (n = 240) (f) reported by CovidCounties against corresponding data reported by the Connecticut Department of Public Health. Each point corresponds to a measurement from a given Connecticut county on a particular date where both datasets report counts. Data is from 6/28/2020 - 8/8/2020. (g,h) Comparison of the estimated daily cases (n = 121,944) (g) and daily deaths (n = 121,944) (h) reported by CovidCounties against corresponding data reported by the website Corona Data Scraper. Data is from 6/28/2020 – 8/8/2020. Each point corresponds to a measurement from any US county in the dataset at a particular time where both datasets report counts. (i–k) Comparison of the estimated hospital bed occupancy (n = 287) (i), daily cases (n = 287) (j), and daily deaths (n = 287) (k) reported by CovidCounties against corresponding data reported by 7 different state Departments of Public Health. Data is from 6/28/2020 – 8/8/2020; curated state data is available in the data file accompanying this manuscript. R2 and p-values are derived from the Pearson correlation coefficient.