Fig. 1.
Identification of positively selected loci in fat-tailed sheep. a The geographic distribution of the sheep breeds used in this study, each of which is represented by a dot on the world map. The map was generated with R package “rworldmap” ( b The number of positively selected loci identified in three different group-pair comparisons. MEF: Middle East fat-tailed sheep from Middle East; SAT: South Asian thin-tailed sheep; EUT: European thin-tailed sheep; CHF: Chinese fat-tailed sheep. c The number of positively selected loci identified in all the three group-pair comparisons. d The derived allele frequency (DAF) of the 16 positively selected loci identified in all three group-pair comparisons in all the studied sheep breeds. SNPs were sorted according to the average value of FST and ΔDAF among the three group-pair comparisons indicated in Fig. 1B from high to low. The important annotated genes of each SNP were labeled in the right