ρA is shown here as a function of resource heterogeneity, σ, for several values of the resource redistribution rate, p, and mutant mean fitness, r. The population initially has a proper two-coloring. At each time step, with probability p the colors are shuffled according to permutation chosen uniformly at random. With probability 1 − p, the coloring is not changed in that time step. In a and b, high environmental fluctuations (i.e. large p) attenuate the effects of background heterogeneity relative to the initial distribution of resources at p = 0 (corresponding to a proper two-coloring, shown in black and given by Eq 2). In c, this behavior holds for all but the highest levels of background heterogeneity. The fixation probabilities in all panels were approximated by building transition matrices for each process and looking at the exact distribution after 107 steps.