A maximum-likelihood tree from the analysis of 72 conserved genes, originated from two accessions of Euscaphis japonica (MT702885 in this study and MN159078), Arabidopsis thaliana (NC_000932), Capparis spinosa var. herbacea (NC_047194), Clausena excavata (NC_032685), Koelreuteria paniculata (NC_037176), Oenothera villaricae (NC_030532), Stellera chamaejasme (NC_042714), Tapiscia sinensis (NC_036960), Vochysia acuminata (NC_043811), and an outgroup species (Oxalis corymbosa (NC_048890)). The GTR model with gamma rates was used as a molecular model to construct the ML tree. A heuristic search was used with nearest-neighbor interchange (NNI) branch swapping, the Tamura-Nei model, and uniform rates among sites to construct maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree. All other options were set to their default values in IQ-TREE. Bootstrap analyses with 1000 pseudoreplicates were conducted with the same options. The same topology was produced from Bayesian inference. A Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm was employed for 1,000,000 generations, sampling trees every 200 generations, with four chains running simultaneously. Values above branches are bootstrap supports from the analysis of maximum likelihood and posterior probabilities. Names of orders followed APG IV (Chase et al. 2016).